Books, publications, collectables and items of interest from Wales







32.jpg (612740 bytes) GERALD of WALES - The Giraldus Journey Walking Round Wales -  by Shirley Toulson
a secondhand hardback book with a dust wrapper in very good condition. 
1st Edition 1988 174  pages Ref: RC461-ocwabk-toulson1988giraldus - £20.00



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 "Labour Strife in the South Wales Coalfield 1910 - 1911" by David Evans
 A historical and Critical Record of the Mid-Rhondda, Aberdare Valley and other Strikes. The main purpose of this book is to give an authentic narrative of the strife in the South Wales coalfield between September, 1910 and November, 1911 - RARE, a secondhand hardback without a dust wrapper, ex library edition with usual library markings.
1st Edition: 1911 257 pages Ref: LB-ocwabkhiin-evans.d.1911.labour.strife - £95.00



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 "The History of the Iron, Steel, Tinplate And Other Trades of Wales " By Charles Wilkins F.G.S
A classic history of the industrial revolution, published by Joseph Williams, Merthyr, a secondhand hardback without a dust wrapper, an ink stamp to inside page but generally in good condition. 
1st Edition: 1903 448 pages Ref: LB-ocwabk-wilkins.c - £95.00


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 "The Smelting Of Copper In The Swansea District " By Col. Grant-Francis F.S.A
Specialist history, well illustrated, a secondhand hardback with marbled boards, ink stamp to inside page otherwise very good. 
2nd Edition: 1881 193 pages Ref: LB-ocwatw-sw-bkin-grant.francis.1881 - £125.00



WALES: The Language, Social Condition, Moral Character, and Religious Opinions of the People, considered in their relation to Education: With some account of the provision made for education in other parts of the Kingdom.
by Sir Thomas Phillips.

Published by London: John W. Parker, 1849

First Edition - Hardcover - rebound in modern gilt lettered buckram

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  Thomas Phillips (1801-67). Author, barrister and colliery owner. He became Mayor of Newport in 1838 and a year later was wounded in the rioting of the Chartists outside the Westgate Hotel. This work is a masterly refutation of the aspersions cast by the Blue Book Commissioners of 1847. Phillips was known also as a writer on Welsh education and Welsh language, and a champion of the Welsh church, particularly in Wales, the Language, Social Condition, Moral Character, and Religious Opinions of the People, considered in their relation to Education, with some account of the provision made for education in other parts of the kingdom.

This work defended the Welsh people and language against the 1847 "Blue Books" - the Reports of the Commissioners of Inquiry into the state of education in Wales. Authors Lingen, Symons and Johnson concluded from the evidence they were given in Wales that the Welsh were dirty, lazy, ignorant, superstitious, deceitful, promiscuous and immoral, and advocated eradication of the Welsh language and the encouragement of the English language. Fluent in Welsh, Phillips exposed the lies of the "Blue Books", defended the Welsh people and their language, and proposed way to improve education in Wales; a biographer described his work:

"for lucidity of treatment, for fullness of information, for calm, judicial statement, for tender yet discriminating sympathy with his poor and neglected countrymen, no less than for the suggestion of remedies applicable to their case, very few publications of the kind can be compared to this one."

1st Edition 1849, rebound in modern gilt lettered buckram, 606pages, plus adverts. Some light foxing internally. 

Ref: RC527-ocwabkgv-phillips1849-wa - £145.00



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 "The Cambrian Sketch-Book - Tales, Scenes and Legends Of Wild Wales" By R. Rice Davies
A fascinating read, wonderful stories from Wales, secondhand hardback without a dust wrapper, light wear to covers and spine, ink stamp to inside page, a rare book. 
1st Edition: 1875 353 pages Ref: LB-ocwabkle-rice.davies.1875 - £75.00


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 "Welsh Legendary Tales " Told By Elisabeth Sheppard-Jones
The legends of Wales re-told including 'the Bride of Llyn y Fan Fach, Robin Ddu & the legends of Llangorse and Bala Lakes, nicely illustrated by Paul Hogarth. A secondhand hardback with a dust wrapper that has a small piece missing and some other minor nicks and tears.  
1st Edition: 1959 182 pages Ref: LB-ocwabkle-sheppard.jones.1959 - £20.00


30.jpg (824515 bytes) When the Devil Roamed Wales - by Jane Pugh
Devilish stories from wales, a secondhand paperback in very good condition. 
1st Edition 1988 120 pages Ref: RC461-ocwabkle-pugh1988devil - £9.00


44.jpg (604928 bytes) KING ARTHUR - "The Mystery of King Arthur" by Elizabeth Jenkins
A detailed look at the history of the legend of King Arthur by a Cambridge historian, well illustrated with an excellent narrative, a secondhand hardback book with a dust wrapper in good condition (Noted faults: some light creasing to the bottom edge of the dust wrapper". 
This Edition 1990 224 pages Ref: LB-ocwa.bkle-k.arthur.jenkins1990mystery - £10.00


45.jpg (428337 bytes) KING ARTHUR - "Arthur - the King in the West" by R W Dunning
A look at the legend of King Arthur mainly in the west country, centred on Glastonbury. The book does acknowledge that Arthur's roots are in Wales. A well structured history, nicely illustrated. A secondhand paperback book good condition (Noted faults: a slight crease to the front cover". 
This Edition 1990 164 pages Ref: LB-ocwa.bkle-k.arthur.dunning1990west - £8.00


43.jpg (465279 bytes) "King Arthur's Cave" by Myrddin ap Dafydd - Tales from Wales Series
A childrens book in the style of the ladybird books with an illustration opposing a page of text. The story of a young shepherd near Bala who is taken to a cave on Yr Aran where Arthur and his sleeping knights lay. A secondhand hardback book with illustrated boards in very good condition. 
1st Edition 2005 30 pages Ref: LB-ocwa.bkle-k.arthur.dafydd2005cave - £6.50



19.jpg (298449 bytes) Tales of the Great Western Railway -  by O.S.Nock
Events and incidents from the railways, a secondhand hardback book with a dust wrapper in very good condition. 
1st Edition 1984 176 pages Ref: RC461-ocwabk-nock1984tales - £8.00


18.jpg (627499 bytes)  Great Western Adventure - by Brian Hollingsworth
A historical look at the Great Western Railways and its influence on the British railway system, a secondhand hardback book with illustrated boards in very good condition. 
1st Edition 1981  174 pages Ref: RC461-ocwabk-hollingsworth1981great - £8.00


27.jpg (555259 bytes) Steam in South Wales - Volume one - The Valleys - by Michael Hale
a secondhand hardback book with a dust wrapper in very good condition. 
1st Edition 1980  approx 100 pages Ref: RC461-ocwabk-hale1980steam-vo1 - £18.00


26.jpg (471991 bytes) Steam in South Wales - Volume two - North and west of West of Swansea -  by  Michael Hale
a secondhand hardback book with a dust wrapper in very good condition. 
1st Edition 1981 approx 100 pages Ref: RC461-ocwabk-hale1981steam-vo2 - £18.00



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 "The Valleys Call "  edited by Paul H. Ballard and Erastus Jones
A Self-examination by people of the South Wales valleys during the 'year of the valleys' 1974, a secondhand hardback in good condition with a dust wrapper
1st Edition: 1975 498 pages Ref: MC82-ocwabkto-ballard.1975 - £25.00


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 "Highways And Byways In South Wales " By A.G Bradley
A look at the places of South Wales, first published in 1903. A secondhand hardback without a dust wrapper, with illustrated boards in very good condition. 
pocket edition 1931 418 pages Ref: LB-ocwabkto-bradley.1931 - £15.00


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 "In The March And Borderland Of Wales " By A.G. Bradley
A well illustrated A secondhand hardback without a dust wrapper, worn covers and ink stamp to inside page. 
1st Edition: 1905 430 pages Ref: - £29.00


 "The Book of South Wales & The Severn" by Charles Frederick Cliffe
This book looks to have been published in the 1850s (the first edition was published in 1848) , the title page is either missing or non-existant. It is a hardback without a dust wrapper, the covers are worn and the first couple of pages have an ink stamp. generally the book is poor. 
2nd Edition: 185? 377 pages Ref: LB-ocwabkto-cliffe-bksswa - £20.00


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 "Ancient Monuments, South Wales and Monmouthshire " by Sir Cyril Fox
The volume in this series give a general survey of the archaeology of each region and descriptions of the sites and buildings now in care of the Ministry of Works, a secondhand hardback in good condition with a dust wrapper which has some small stains
1st Edition: 1938 58 pages  Ref: MC14-ocwabkto-fox.c1938 - £10.00

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 "Ancient Monuments, North Wales " by Lord Harlech 
Hours of opening and prices of admission are given for the various monuments, and a map at the end shows the places of archaeological interest in the region. A secondhand hardback in good condition with a dust wrapper with some marks
1st Edition: 1948 38 pages Ref: MC14-ocwabkto-harlech.1948 - £10.00


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 "WALES - A Physical, Economic and Social Geography " By Margaret E Hughes and A.J James
A secondhand hardback without a dust wrapper, worn covers and ink stamp to inside page. 
1st Edition: 1961 240 pages Ref: - £9.00



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 "Wales " by R M Lockley
Culturally as well as geographically Wales is distinct. The landscape, the buildings, the way in which Welsh people speak English, all these have been affected by geology, history, race and language. A look at historical tours in Wales, a secondhand hardback in good condition with a dust wrapper
1st Edition: 1966 207 pages Ref:  MC82-ocwabkto-lockley.rm.1966 - £15.00


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 "The Scenery, Antiquities and the Biography of South Wales " By Benjamin Heath Malkin, Esq
A two volume collection of stories and the places of Wales. regarded as one of the classic histories. Both volumes have suffered some damage, notably, the edges of the spines although both present have previously been taped secondhand hardback without a dust wrapper, the inside pages are complete and tightly bound. 
1st Edition: 1807 475 & 553 pages Ref: LB-ocwabk-malkin.1807-gp2 - £125.00


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 "The Story Of Carmarthenshire " By D. Morgan
An interesting history of the county. A secondhand hardback with illustrated boards, some minror tearing to the spine and a small paint spot to the left hand side of the covers, ink stamp to inside page. A presentation edition 'to Ceinwen Rees for attendance to Tabernacle Sundat School 1909. 
1st Edition: 1909 240 pages Ref: LB-ocwabkto-morgan.d.1909 - £25.00


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 " The Seven Bore" by Fred Rowbotham
This is a revised updated edition of the first book on the Severn Bore. What causes it, when does it occur, how large is it, where can it best be seen, can one meet it in a boat or ride it as a swimmer, how does one photograph it? Everything you need to know about this natural phenomenon, a secondhand hardback in good condition with a dust wrapper
This Edition: 1983 104 pages Ref:  MC82-ocwabkto-rowbotham.f.1983 - £20.00



The Glamorgan County History is divided into six volumes: Volume 1 (Natural history), published 1936, Volume 2 (Early Glamorgan), 1984, Volume 3 (The Middle Ages), 1971, Volume 4 (Early Industrial), 1974, Volume 5 (Industrial), 1980, and Volume 6 (Glamorgan Society), 1988. Please see below for volumes we have currently available.


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"GLAMORGAN COUNTY HISTORY " Vol I "Natural History" edited by WM Tattersall

An in depth look at the natural history of Glamorgan with chapters on geology, climate & meteorology, soils, botany, zoology and a general survey of the county. A secondhand hardcover, large format, with dust wrapper which has a small piece missing from the spine.

1st Edition: 1936 444 pages Ref: LB-ocwabkhipv-glamorgan.vol1.1936 - £75.00






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 "Walks Through North & South Wales " By Thomas Evans
Sub-titled 'a Topographical and Statistical description of the Principality to which is prefixed - A Copious Travelling Guide - exhibiting the direct and principal cross roads, inns, distances of stages and noblemen and gentlemen's seats' A secondhand hardback, worn covers, a well thumbed edition.  
4th Edition: 1858 220 pages Ref: LB-ocwabkwk-evans.t.1858 - £39.00


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 "A Walk Through Wales, In August 1797 " By The Reverend Richard Warner
A secondhand hardback without a dust wrapper, looks to have been rebound, an ink stamp to inside page and light water damage throughout. 
5th Edition: 1810 365 pages Ref: LB-ocwabk - £45.00




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 "Who's Who In Wales " Edited By Arthur Mee
1st edition of this Who's Who series published by the Western Mail, thousands of Welshmen and women listed. A secondhand hardback without a dust wrapper, light wear to covers. 
1st Edition: 1921 558 pages Ref: LB-ocwabkbi-whos.who.1921 - £35.00


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 "The Adventures & Vagaries Of Twm Shon Catti " by JT Llewellyn Pritchard
An extremely rare book on the life of Thomas Jones, AKA Twm Shon Catti, Wales' answer to Robin Hood. Includes his upbringing and school life. A secondhand hardback without a dust wrapper, worn covers and ink stamp to inside page. 
1st Edition: 1871 294 pages Ref: LB-ocwabkbi-twm.shon.catti.1871.pritchard - £125.00


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 "Tom Jones " by Peter Jones
His real name is Thomas Jones Woodward, but just plain Tom Jones suits him much better.  Now Tom Jones counts his earnings in millions. And Presley is a friend.....and fan, well he was in 1970! A biography of Ponty's favourite son. A secondhand hardback in good condition with a dust wrapper
1st Edition: 1970 120 pages Ref: MC82-ocwafabkbi-tom.jones.1970.jones.p - £12.00


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"Dylan Thomas in America" by J M Brinnin

Chronicles of Dylan on the other side of the Atlantic, a second hand hard back book in good condition with  an inscription to the first blank page, without a dust wrapper. 

1st Edition: 1956 245 pages Ref: PC51-ocwabk-brinnin1956dylan - £10.00


FICTION by Welsh Authors or stories set in Wales

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 "Sun On The Gorse " by Gwynedd Sudworth
This 16th century love story is set in the lovely Gower peninsula, a secondhand hardback in good condition with a dust wrapper
1st Edition: 1989 189 pages Ref: MC82-ocwafcbk-sudworth.1989 - £15.00


79.jpg (543334 bytes) 'On Angel Mountain' by Brian John. The storyline of book is set near Newport, Pembrokeshire towards the end of the 18th century and the narrative is the diary of the lead character Martha Morgan. It gives a good insight into the social structure of 18th century Wales and encompasses the 1797 French invasion of Pembrokeshire. This is the first in a long running series, a great read. A secondhand paperback in very good condition.

Ref: LB-ocwafc.pb-john.b.angel.1.mountain - £5.00

78.jpg (461828 bytes) 'House of Angels' by Brian John. Sequel to 'On Angel Mountain', the second book in the 'Angel Mountain Saga' A secondhand paperback in very good condition.

Ref: - £5.00

77.jpg (441601 bytes) 'Dark Angel' by Brian John. The third book in the 'Angel Mountain Saga' A secondhand paperback in very good condition. SIGNED BY THE AUTHOR

Ref: LB-ocwafc.pb-john.b.angel.3.dark-au - £5.00

76.jpg (366156 bytes) 'Rebecca and the Angels' by Brian John. The fourth book in the 'Angel Mountain Saga' A secondhand paperback in very good condition. SIGNED BY THE AUTHOR

Ref: LB-ocwafc.pb-john.b.angel.4.rebecca-au - £5.00

70.jpg (450398 bytes) 'Flying With Angels' by Brian John. , the fifth book in the 'Angel Mountain Saga' A secondhand paperback in very good condition.

Ref: LB-ocwafc.pb-john.b.angel.5.flying - £5.00

69.jpg (555413 bytes) 'Guardian Angel' by Brian John. , the sixth book in the 'Angel Mountain Saga' A secondhand paperback in very good condition.

Ref: - £5.00

68.jpg (480270 bytes) 'Sacrifice' by Brian John. , the seventh book in the 'Angel Mountain Saga' A secondhand paperback in very good condition.

Ref: LB-ocwafc.pb-john.b.angel.7.sacrifice - £5.00

67.jpg (604897 bytes) 'Conspiracy of Angels' by Brian John. , the eighth book in the 'Angel Mountain Saga' A secondhand paperback in very good condition.

Ref: LB-ocwafc.pb-john.b.angel.8.conspiracy - £5.00

66.jpg (508584 bytes) 'Martha Morgan's Little World - The essential companion to the Angel Mountain Saga' by Brian John. Everything you need to know about the saga. A secondhand hardback in very good condition.  SIGNED BY THE AUTHOR

Ref: LB-ocwafc.bk-john.b.martha. - £7.00



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 "My Uncle Oswald " by Roald Dahl

Fifteen years ago, the first brief extract from 'The Oswald Diaries appeared. It was a story called ' The visitor' and, as some of you will remember, it described an act of coitus between Uncle Oswald and female leper in the Senai Desert. This is Dahl at his wonderful best, writing for adults, a secondhand hardback in good condition with a dust wrapper

1st Edition: 1979 221 pages Ref: MC82-ocwaatbk-dahl.oswald.1979- £25.00





MAPS - sold out



60.jpg (85989 bytes)

 "Press, Politics and Society " by Aled Jones
A History of Journalism in Wales. This is the first major historical study of the newspaper press in Wales. Spanning two centuries, and the press of two languages, the book explores changes in the organisation of journalism, the printing industry and distribution methods. A secondhand hardback in good condition with a dust wrapper
1st Edition: 1993 317 pages Ref: MC82-ocwamibk-jones.aled.1993 - £20.00


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BRAND NEW (STILL IN PACKET) CYMRU T-SHIRT.  A red t shirt with "Cymru" and a Welsh Dragon (black with white outline) on front.  The t-shirt is by Manav Premier Clothing and is size XXL.

Ref: - £9.00



13.jpg (208397 bytes) 1967 OLD LLANDOVERIAN SOCIETY DINNER MENU CARD, CARDIFF - A fold over menu card for the Old Llandoverian Dinner at the Connaught Rooms, Cardiff on 14 April 1967, with notes to the front and reverse.  

Ref: RC461-ocwami-old.llandov-dm19670414 - £7.00  




POSTCARDS - sold out


PROGRAMMES - sold out


ABERDARE - sold out



17.jpg (151748 bytes) 1957 CARDIFF CITY COUNCIL - LORD MAYOR INSTALLATION LUNCHEON MENU CARD - A fold over menu card for the installation Luncheon on 27 May 1957 given by the Lord Mayor of the City of Cardiff, together with an invitation card.  

Ref: RC461-ocwatw-cdf19570527-mayor-dmgp2 - £7.00  


16.jpg (176154 bytes) 1959 CARDIFF CITY COUNCIL - LORD MAYOR INSTALLATION LUNCHEON MENU CARD - A fold over menu card for the installation Luncheon on 25 May 1959 given by the Lord Mayor of the City of Cardiff, together with an invitation card, name card & probable unrelated menu card.  

Ref: RC461-ocwatw-cdf19590525-mayor-dmgp4 - £7.00  


15.jpg (87256 bytes) 1960 CARDIFF CITY COUNCIL - LORD MAYOR ELECTION DINNER MENU CARD - A fold over menu card for the installation dinner on 23 May 1960 given by the Lord Mayor of the City of Cardiff. 

Ref: RC461-ocwatw-cdf19600523-mayor-dm - £6.00  


14.jpg (243837 bytes) 1970 CARDIFF CITY COUNCIL - LORD MAYOR ELECTION DINNER MENU CARD - A fold over menu card the the installation dinner on 18 May 1970 given by the Lord Mayor of the City of Cardiff, together with an invitation card and table name card for the President of the Welsh Rugby Union.  

Ref: RC461-ocwatw-cdf19700518-mayor-dmgp3 - £6.00  





26.jpg (329192 bytes) NEATH, CASTELL NEDD EISTEDDFOD 1994 CHINA DECORATIVE PLATE - An illustrated decorative plate featuring Neath Castle, St Illtyd's Church, Gnoll School, Victoria Gardens, Green Street, Melincryddan Tinplate Works and Gnoll Hall. Measuring 10.5" (27 cm) in diameter. 

Ref: - £25.00



89.jpg (36699 bytes) Neath Abbey - Unknown Publisher, notes in ink on reverse dated 1928, 2 dog eared corners and some slight staining.

Ref: MC82-ocwatw-ne-pc-neath.abbey - £3.00



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Borough of Neath 1974-1996 - 9cm

Ref: -  £16.00  



81.jpg (45243 bytes) 80.jpg (38891 bytes) A letter posted from Neath to James B Coles (attorney) of Taunton in 1843. The letter (3 written sides) looks to have been written by a Thomas Bird although the signature is not easily read. The subject is the search for a Peter Henderson who owes 'Bird' money. There is a partial Neath postmark dated 9 Feb 1842 and a full Taunton postmark dated 11 Feb 1843.

Ref: MC82-ocwatw-ne-le1843 - £55.00



88.jpg (16048 bytes) 44.jpg (16862 bytes) Unknown subject, circa 1890 by W. H Moseley Fecit of Wind St. and Orchard Place, Neath, decorative back, good condition

Ref:MC82-ocwatw-ne-phuk - £5.00



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 "The Old Gunpowder Factory at Glynneath " by Tom Pritchard, Jack Evans and Sydney Johnson
The Old Gunpowder Works stretched 2 miles along the river Mellte. For over a century (1820 - 1931) gunpowder was manufactured at the site using the water from the river as it's main source of power. This well illustrated booklet charts the progress of the works, giving explanations of how the powder was manufatured and the various sites within the works, as well as group photographs of the workers dating back to 1890. first published in 1985 this edition was reprinted in 1998 to celebrate the 21st Anniversary of the Merthyr Tydfil & District Naturalists Society, a secondhand booklet in very good condition
published in 1998 46 pages Ref: LB-ocwatw-ne-bl-pritchard.t.1998.gunpowder - £25.00


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 "Neath and the Spanish Civil War 1936-39, Catalyst of the Angry Thirties " by George Eaton
The part the people of Neath played in this European conflict, a secondhand paperback in good condition
1st Edition: 1980 90 pages Ref: LB-ocwatw-ne-pb-eaton.1980-spanish - £35.00


46.jpg (596281 bytes) Reflections of Neath & Port Talbot - by David Roberts
a secondhand hardback book with a dust wrapper in very good condition. 
1st Edition 2002 216 pages Ref: RC461-ocwatw-nea-roberts2002reflections - £20.00


45.jpg (527357 bytes) Those were the Days Neath and Port Talbot - by David Roberts
a secondhand hardback book with a dust wrapper in very good condition. 
1st Edition 2003  223 pages Ref: RC461-ocwatw-nea-roberts2003those - £20.00


44.jpg (439453 bytes) Yesterdays - Neath and Port Talbot -  by David Roberts
a secondhand hardback book with a dust wrapper in very good condition. 
1st Edition 2004 200 pages Ref: RC461-ocwatw-nea-roberts2004yesterdays - £20.00


43.jpg (459117 bytes) Thank you for the days in Neath and Port Talbot -  by David Roberts
a secondhand hardback book with a dust wrapper in very good condition. 
1st Edition 2006 200 pages Ref: RC461-ocwatw-nea-roberts2006thank - £20.00


42.jpg (406872 bytes) Simply the best Neath and Port Talbot -  by David Roberts
a secondhand hardback book with illustrated boards in very good condition. 
1st Edition 2012 192  pages Ref: RC461-ocwatw-nea-roberts2012simply - £20.00


41.jpg (488718 bytes) Turn back time Neath & Port Talbot -  by David Roberts
a secondhand hardback book with a dust wrapper in very good condition. 
1st Edition 2005  200 pages Ref: RC461-ocwatw-nea-roberts2005turn - £20.00


40.jpg (472711 bytes) Life Neath & Port Talbot -  by David Roberts
a secondhand hardback book with a dust wrapper in very good condition. 
1st Edition 2011 191  pages Ref: RC461-ocwatw-nea-roberts2011life - £20.00


38.jpg (690356 bytes) Old Neath & District in Pictures Volume 2 - by Neath Antiquarian Society
a secondhand hardback book with a dust wrapper in very good condition. 
1st Edition 1985 approx 180 pages Ref: RC461-ocwatw-nea-antiq1985-dtphvo2 - £23.00


39.jpg (832057 bytes) Old Neath & District in Pictures Volume 3 -  by Neath Antiquarian Society
a secondhand hardback book with a dust wrapper in very good condition. 
1st Edition 1993  approx 200 pages Ref: RC461-ocwatw-nea-antiq1993-dtphvo3 - £22.00



97.jpg (20616 bytes) Postcard - Ray Milland part of the Picturegoer series number 991a, unused,  good condition.

Ref:MC82-ocwatw-ne-pc-milland01 - £4.00

  89.jpg (18770 bytes) Postcard - Ray Milland and Patricia Morison, this is a Real Photograph part of the Film Partners number P310. unused, in good condition

Ref:MC82-ocwatw-ne-pc-milland-08 - £4.00

43.jpg (29366 bytes) Postcard - Ray Milland starring in the Republic's Trucolor '' The Gunman''. Part of the Celebrity Autograph series number 228. unused, facsimile autograph, good condition

Ref:MC82-ocwatw-ne-pc-milland-07 - £4.00

  90.jpg (26209 bytes) Postcard - Ray Milland, an 'Art Photo postcard, unused, facsimile autograph, good condition.

Ref:MC82-ocwatw-ne-pc-milland-06 - £4.00




37.jpg (516447 bytes) Old Port Talbot & District In Photographs Volume 5 -  by Port Talbot Historical society
a secondhand hardback book with illustrated boards in very good condition. 
1st Edition 2016 148 pages Ref: RC461-ocwatw-pot-pths2016-dtphvo5 - £20.00


34.jpg (380087 bytes)  Cwmavon Then and Now -  by A Leslie Evans
a secondhand booklet in good condition, noted faults include some creasing to the cover. 
1st Edition 1992 87 pages Ref: RC461-ocwatw-pot1992cwmavon-bl - £24.00



 "Port Talbot Trostre Velindre - Is there a Future?" a report by the Central Research and Intelligence Unit, West Glamorgan County Council 
The announcement by Mr Verley in July on the conditional monies for Port Talbot falls far short of the B.S.C strategy and the case put forward by the West Wales steel development committee. The future of South Wales steel and tinplate industry is discussed at length. Secondhand booklet in good condition 
Published in 1976 12 pages  Ref: MC13-ocwatw-pt-bl-trostre- £8.00  


24.jpg (262990 bytes) BOROUGH OF AFAN -  PORT TALBOT STREET PLAN - A large fold out street plan of Port Talbot, published circa 1970s to include Margan, Baglan, Cwmavon and Sandfields, Additional info to include information about the Borough Coat of Arms 

Ref: RC461-ocwatw-pot.street.plan - £10.00  


23.jpg (324410 bytes) STREET PLAN OF PORT TALBOT & THE AFAN VALLEY - A large fold out street plan of Port Talbot, published circa 1980s to include Cymmer, Blaengwynfi, Glyncorrwg etc, double sided

Ref: RC461-ocwatw-pot.street.valley - £12.00  


22.jpg (439276 bytes) THE HISTORY OF THE BOROUGH OF PORT TALBOT AND ITS COAT OF ARMS - 8 page A5 booklet.

Ref: RC461-ocwatw-pot-hi-borough - £5.00  


21.jpg (318246 bytes) PORT TALBOT - COR MEIBION ABERAFAN 10th ANNIVERSARY CONCERT 1976 PROGRAMME - A 12 page programme for the Aberavon Male Voice Choir concert at Sandfields Comprehensive School on 9 October 1976.

Ref: RC461-ocwatw-pot19761009-pr-choir - £7.00  


20.jpg (410325 bytes) PORT TALBOT - ABERAVON MALE VOICE CHOIR CONCERT PROGRAMME - OXFORD TOWN HALL - An 8 page programme for the Aberavon Male Voice Choir concert on 4 March 1978.

Ref: RC461-ocwatw-pot19780304-pr-choir - £7.00  


18.jpg (242466 bytes) PORT TALBOT - ABERAVON MALE VOICE CHOIR CONCERT PROGRAMME - BRISTOL, COLSTON HALL - An 8 page programme for the Aberavon Male Voice Choir Christmas Festival concert on 4 December 1976, also featuring the Stanshawe (Bristol) Band.

Ref: RC461-ocwatw-pot19780304-pr-choir - £7.00  



52.jpg (1010994 bytes)

Steel Company of Wales, Port Talbot management tie, circa 1960s - 6.5cm

Ref: -  £12.00  

35.jpg (1500734 bytes)

Borough of Port Talbot tie - ( Port Talbot Council ) 8cm

Ref: -  £16.00  






33.jpg (441312 bytes) South Wales and the rising of 1839 - by Ivor Wilks
A look at the chartists movement in South Wales with particular emphasis on the rising. A secondhand hardback book with a dust wrapper in very good condition. 
1st Edition 1984  270 pages Ref: RC461-ocwatw-mer1984wilks.rising-bk - £24.00


31.jpg (426670 bytes) 31i.jpg (299391 bytes) Tower of strength - The Story of Tyrone O'Sullivan and Tower Colliery -  by Tyrone O'Sullivan with John Eve and Ann Edworthy
A story of success, how the workers took a deep mine and bucked the trend of coal mine closure, a signed secondhand hardback book with a dust wrapper in very good condition. 
1st Edition 2001 190 pages Ref: RC461-ocwatw-rct2001osullivan.tower-bkau - £25.00




84.jpg (104009 bytes)

 "The Natural History of Gower South Wales " by  Mary E Gillham 

The first place in Britain to be designated by the Countryside Commission as an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, Gower is not only exceedingly beautiful but is exceedingly vulnerable to public pressure, because of the proximity of Swansea and trunk routes from other industrial areas. This is a secondhand hardback with a dust wrapper in good condition

1st Edition: 1977 335 pages Ref: LB-ocwatw-sw-bk-gilham.1977.gower - £24.00


54.jpg (85698 bytes)

 "Drugs and Dreamers" An Evening Post Publication
The Story of South West Wales in the 20th century, told by its own people. Secondhand newspaper in good condition. 
Published in 1994 8 pages  Ref: MC13-ocwatw-sw-np-drugs.dreamers - £3.00  


74.jpg (132982 bytes)

 "Hanes A Hynafiaethau Llansamlet (History & Antiquities of Llansamlet) " Gan Y Parch. W.Samlet Williams
Text in Welsh. A secondhand hardback without a dust wrapper, ink stamp to inside page. 
1st Edition: 1908 316 pages Ref: MC225-ocwabktw-sw.samlet.williams.1908 - £35.00


23.jpg (962251 bytes) 

British Steel, Port Talbot, Hot Strip Mill, February 1997, 83437 Tonnes - 9cm

Ref: B105-314-ocwa.mmti-bsc -  £15.00  

 22.jpg (519745 bytes)

Cwmavon Con Club 1985 - Wales v Scotland - 8cm - most likely a tie produced for the Scotland trip organised by the Con Club 

Ref: B105-315-mmti.wacb-cwm.con -  £15.00  

 21.jpg (750379 bytes)

British Steel / Steel Company of Wales, Port Talbot, Coil Box World Record, 3018 Coils, 71,504 Tonnes - 9 cm

Ref: B105-316-ocwa. mmti-bsc -  £15.00  

51.jpg (1159633 bytes)

British Steel Company Velindre 1956-1986  - 7.5cm

Ref: -  £12.00  

089.jpg (193917 bytes)

Clwb Godrer Mynydd Du (Fishing Club Glanamman) Scottish Tour 1995 - 8cm

Ref: TT05-089-ocwa.mmti-glana -  £10.00  

  36.jpg (1958000 bytes)

Glamorgan County Council 1889-1974 - 9.5cm

Ref: B105-101-ocwa.ou-glm-ti1974 -  £14.00  

37.jpg (32962 bytes) Gwent - A Gwent crest, quite possibly a county council tie for staff - 8cm

Ref: MT01-231-ocwa.mmti-gwent  -  £10.00  

28.jpg (693972 bytes)

Milford Haven Tall Ships Race 1991 - 7.5 cm

Ref: B105-242-ocwa.mmti-milford1991 -  £15.00  





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