If you've read Alexander Cordell's 'Rape of the Fair Country' trilogy and it's prelude 'This Proud and Savage Land' then you, like me have probably been touched by the passion and literary genius of this great man. But there was more than a Welshness about Cordell, only a quarter Welsh by birth, he was born George Alexander Graber in Ceylon and lived his formative years in Ireland, London & China. Enlisting in the Royal Engineers before the second world war he was badly wounded in the mass evacuation of France. His convalescence took him to the north Wales town of Harlech before returning to the army as an officer in the Royal Engineers. He ended the war as a major and went into the civil service as a surveyor based just the other side of the Welsh border in Shrewsbury.  His first published writings were short stories for women's magazines, the first published novel 'A Thought of Honour' was published in 1954. It is seen as a semi-autobiographical work in which the majority of the storyline is set on the east Suffolk coast where he spent the latter part of his war.  Later he was to move to Abergavenny and lived the majority of his later years in various locations throughout Wales including Milford Haven, Chepstow & Wrexham. 


The Books of Alexander Cordell



Cordell's books on Wales as seen through the eyes of the Mortymer's tell the industrial revolution from the side of the worker, the families who suffered, the ironmasters who profited, the harshness of the environment are all told within these stories. Running alongside this theme are sub-themes of pugilism, heavy drinking, carousing and paranormal activity.  See below for more information on Cordell's books and the titles we have available to purchase.

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This Proud and Savage Land (1987)

This prelude to the Cordell's most famous trilogy was published 28 years after his first book of Wales and his most famous work, 'Rape of the Fair Country'. The book gives the background for, and sets the scene for the trilogy so we suggest that it is read first prior to the 'Rape of the Fair Country'. 

Hywel Mortymer, a direct descendant of Owain Glyndwr is on his way to London with his Dad when the coach is attacked and his father is killed by feuding cousins. Hywel escapes and works his way to Blaenafon via the gold mines of Dolcauthi and the hiring fair of Llandovery............

Please see below for editions available:

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1st Edition 1987

published by George Weidenfeld and Nicolson Ltd

ISBN 0 297 79163 X

403 pages

a secondhand hardback with a dust wrapper in very good condition. 

Ref: LB-ocwa-cordell-bk.proud.1987-ed.1 - £20.00 

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Paperback edition 1988

published by Sphere Books Ltd

ISBN 0 7221 2573 9

403 pages

a secondhand paperback with in good condition. 

Ref: LB-ocwa-cordell-bk.proud.1988-pb - £6.00 





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Rape of the Fair Country (1959)  

published in the US as Robe of Honour (1960)

This is the book that made Cordell famous, his third novel and best known work is well researched, informative and passionate. He said of it in later years 'the story was crying out to be told, it demanded to be told'. So popular was the book that it was translated into 17 different languages. 

The Mortymer family live and work in the Blaenafon and Nantyglo communities. Iestyn and Morfydd the children of Hywel rebel against the ironmasters and the book deals with the rise of trade unionism and the Chartist movement in South Wales. 

Please see below for editions available:


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1st Dutch Edition 1960

published by A.W. Sijthoff, Leiden

300 pages

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First Dutch (Holland / Netherlands ) edition titled "Ontluisterd Land" translated by Karel Thole - a presentation copy to Charles Roebuck with inscription.

 "For Charles in the hope that he can read Dutch Alexander (Cordell)"

Good condition - minor creases and light water damage to dust wrapper 

Ref: LB-ocwa-cordell-bkau.rape.1959-hl-1st. - £79.00





An interesting collection of items Alexander Cordell including reproduction memorabilia relating to his most famous novel 'Rape of the Fair Country'. The items in this collection are as follows:


"Rape of the Fair Country" a 1960 edition of the book published by The Reprint Society, London in 1960 - The book has an original dust wrapper in good condition and includes a facsimile supplementary leaflet (see back cover illustration) with opinions by "Aneurin Bevan, Jack Jones, Gwyn Thomas and Emlyn Williams"

A reproduction typed letter dated 1/4/58 to Charles Roebuck in which Cordell thanks Roebuck for his letter of comfort. Cordell has been informed by a local schoolmaster reader that his book is a "politically biased, bawdy, vulgar and sexy book that would never see the light of day in print other than the print of a type writer" He goes on to say that the agent Curtis Brown.... "the most efficient and brutally truthful agent in the country" has decided to accept the book. It goes on to mention that Charles will duly receive his gift copy, suitably inscribed.

"Having attacked everything from the old aristocracy, Church and Throne and exposed the fiery oppression of England and all who came under her 19th Century dominion, I can certainly expect retirement from the Civil Service and excommunication in due course"    

A reproduction typed letter dated 7/4/58 to Charles Roebuck with many interesting comments and observations relating to 'Rape of the Fair Country' and 'The Hosts of Rebecca', signed Alex, extracts from the letter.................

"....the easiest way to explain my glorious news........."

"Since then I have had telephone calls galore and the book appears to be rising in Publisher/Agent opinion daily as fresh readers get at it. Also I have now arranged to meet a Miss Sheila Hodges of Gollancz at 5pm next Thursday in my Agent's office in Covent Garden to discuss with her the cuts I am prepared to make. At first I was bolshi about cutting a word..............."

"Incidentally, the Reader's complaint that the book is too tragic as it stands is a good one and correct. I am a morbid customer at the best of times, you know, and I have already altered the run of deaths at the end to bring it lighter, without, I am sure and detraction from value." 

The collection is accompanied by a Certificate of Authenticity guaranteeing that the 1960 book "Rape of the Fair Country" is an original edition and genuine as advertised. A total of 4 items (book including supplementary leaflet & 2 letters) plus a COA.  


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Ref: PL48-ocwa-cordell-bk-rape.1960-clgp4 - £59.00


ANEURIN BEVAN on "Rape of the Fair Country"

"It is a tremendous book; an exciting book. There is not a single dull or jaded character and the story moves from incident to incident without faltering. There is a passion and a pity in it rarely to be found in novels of historical evocation. It is impossible to say about a historical novel that its characterisations are authentic, neverthe­less the events Alexander Cordell writes about are sufficiently near in time, and for me at any rate, familiar in their setting, to carry a haunting sense of authenticity. I shall be astonished if this novel is not universally regarded as one of the outstanding literary events of the year."



Hosts of Rebecca (1960)

The Second novel in the 'Rape of the Fair Country' trilogy. The scene moves from industrial Monmouthshire to rural Carmarthenshire but the workers are no better off. The book covers the 'Rebecca Riots' a peasant rebellion against unfair taxes levied at 'toll gates' by the owners of the roads. Iestyn's brother Jethro Mortymer is the lead character. 

Please see below for editions available:


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THE HOSTS OF REBECCA by Alexander Cordell

1st Edition 1960

published by Gollancz

240 pages

A secondhand hardback with a dust wrapper that has some minor nicks and tears. 

Ref: LB-ocwa-cordell-bk.rebecca.1960-ed.1 - £35.00 




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Song of the Earth (1969)

The third and last novel in the 'Rape of the Fair Country' trilogy. It's back to the hub of the industrial revolution for the Mortymers, the novel starts in Merthyr and finds it way for the majority of the narrative to the village of Resolven in the Neath Valley.

Please see below for editions available:


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World Books Edition 1970

352 pages

A secondhand hardback with a dust wrapper in good condition. Published by World Books in 1970 with a dust wrapper identical to the 1969 first edition.

Ref: LB-ocwa-cordell-bk.song.1970-wobked - £14.00 



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Beloved Exile (1993)

Iestyn Mortymer is captured during the Chartist Rebellion and exiled to Afghanistan where he meets the beautiful Princess Durrani. Set amongst true historical facts the story tells of the 'Afghan Promenade', a retreat which cost the British Army 17,000 lives

Please see below for editions available:



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Land of Heart's Desire (1994)

Iestyn Mortymer escapes from Afghanistan and is joined in 'Cae White' in Carmarthenshire by Princess Durrani and their son Suresh. Suresh's grandfather the Dost Mohommed wished for him to return to Afghanistan, Iestyn resists his wishes.

Please see below for editions available:


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large print edition 1996

published by F.A. Thorpe, Leicestershire & the Ulverscroft Foundation

490 pages

A secondhand hardback with illustrated boards (no dust wrapper), an ex library edition in good condition. 

Ref: LB-ocwa-cordell-bk.desire.1996-edlapt.cq-ex.lib - £15.00 



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The Love that God Forgot (1994)

Tom Mortymer, Iestyn's son marries his childhood sweetheart Jen Wildflower, they move to Flatholm in the Bristol Channel but all is not well when Uncle Jethro returns from the US. 

Please see below for editions available:


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Paperback edition 2000

published by Macmillan

ISBN 0 330 39690 0

280 pages

A secondhand paperback book in good condition. 

Ref: LB-ocwa-cordell-bk-forgot2000-pb - £7.00 




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The Fire People (1972)

THE FIRE PEOPLE was inspired by, and climaxes in the hanging of Dic Penderyn (Richard Lewis), the first martyr of the Welsh working class. Penderyn was said to have taken part in the Merthyr Tydfil riots of 1831 and was convicted of stabbing soldier Donald Black of the 93rd Highlanders. Primary characters in the book include Gideon Davies, a blind fiddler from Taibach, Port Talbot who makes his way from Taibach to Merthyr via Maesteg and Pontypridd, Sun Heron who eventually marries Dic, Billa Jam & Mamie Goldie, two 'beer' widows who also travelled north from Taibach, Lewis Lewis, the chief rioter and Penderyn himself. Cordell has built this story around the facts of the rebellion and given life to the principal characters. It is said that during the riots the 'red flag of rebellion' was flown for the very first time. In a post script he dissects the evidence given at Penderyn's trial and champions the work of Neath Quaker Tregelles Price who petitioned the King for a pardon for Dic Penderyn. A moving and sometimes humorous tale that lays bare the cruelty of the Ironmasters of Merthyr.

Related books - none - although Morfydd Mortimer from the 'Rape of the Fair Country' trilogy makes an appearance on more than one occasion.     

Please see below for editions available:


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1st Edition 1972

published by Hodder & Stoughton

381 pages

A secondhand book with a dust wrapper in good condition. a clean ex library edition with the usual stamps etc.

Ref: LB-ocwa-cordell-bk.fire.1972-ex-lib - £12.00 




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This Sweet and Bitter Earth (1977)

Toby Davies is a slate miner in north Wales but he's drawn south by his love of a woman. He is caught up in two of the early 20th century industrial infamies, the Tonypandy Riots and the Senghenydd Universal Pit disaster. Cordell tells it as it was !

Please see below for editions available:


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1st edition 1977

published by Hodder and Stoughton

447 pages

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A secondhand hardback with a dust wrapper in very good condition. Signed to inside the front cover "For Barbara and John - Kind Regards Alex Cordell"  

Ref: LB-ocwa-cordell-bk.sweet.1978-ed1au-barb- - £29.00 


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Land of My Fathers (1983)

The town of Amlwch is home to Taliesin Roberts and Parys Mountain his workplace but a brush with the authorities sees him move south and exchange this for Merthyr and Dowlais Ironworks. The book focuses on the lead up to the Chartist rebellion.

Please see below for editions available:


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1st edition 1983

published by Hodder & Stoughton

ISBN 0 340 26979 0

300 pages

An ex-library secondhand hardback with a dust wrapper. 

Ref: LB-ocwa-cordell-bk.fathers.1983-ed1-ex.lib - £15.00 


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Requiem for a Patriot (1988)

This story is seen through the eyes of John Frost, the ex-Mayor of Newport and one of the leaders of the Chartist Rebellion. He is transported to Van Dieman's land where life as a convict at her majesty's pleasure awaits him.

Please see below for editions available:


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1st edition 1988

published by Weidenfeld & Nicolson

ISBN 0 297 79485 X

318 pages

A secondhand hardback with a dust wrapper in very good condition. 

Ref: LB-ocwa-cordell-bk.patriot.1988-ed.1-cqvego - £24.00 



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Rogue's March  (1981)

This book centres on the life of James Alexander McAndrew, artist, raconteur, and drunkard. He leads an incredible life which sees him become a bouncer and an artist in Toulouse-Lautrec's Montmartre, a member of the armed forces, a sailor and even a shipping line owner. But with love lost even success cannot hold him and he hits the road one more. Partly set in Barry and other parts of Wales.

Please see below for editions available:


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1st Edition 1981

published by Hodder & Stoughton Ltd

511 pages

An ex-library edition in good condition.

Ref: LB-ocwa-cordell-bk-rogue1981-ed1-ex.lib - £17.00



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Tunnel Tigers  (1986)

A story centred around the building of the railway network in Great Britain, and in particular the Sheffield to Manchester line and the construction of the tunnels. Nick Wortley is one of labourers under the railway engineer Stephenson who risks his life day in day out in the name of progress. Although the majority of the book is set in the north of England, Wortley was born in Pontypridd and returns there via Rhymney in the final few chapters.  

Please see below for editions available:


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1st Edition 1986

published by Weidenfeld & Nicolson, London

jacket illustration by Michael Heseltine

445 pages

A secondhand edition with a dust wrapper in very good condition.

Ref: LB-ocwa-cordell-bk-tunnel1986-ed1 - £24.00



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Moll  (1990)

Sir Richard Carling, a highwayman & Moll Walbee, a pickpocket travelling in the disguise of a French aristocrat fall madly in love when Carling holds up the stagecoach in which she is travelling. Set on the English border near Shrewsbury, their adventures take them as far afield as Australia. 

Please see below for editions available:



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Peerless Jim (1984)

The life and times of the boxer Jim Driscoll as told by Cordell. Based around true historical facts Cordell brings the Irish born Cardiff boxer to life, from the boxing booths of the Rhondda Valley to the rings of USA & the National Sporting Club in London. Driscoll was one of the finest boxers to have come from Wales.   

Please see below for editions available:

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Paperback Edition 1986

published by Coronet

368 pages

A second hand paperback edition in good condition.

Ref: LB-ocwa-cordell-bk-peerless1984-pb - £8.00





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The Sinews of Love (1965)  

A novel of a concubine in modern Hong Kong - Pei Sha, the daughter of a native Hong Kong Tan-gar fisherman is orphaned and left to bring up her younger siblings. She has no alternative but to become a concubine like her older sister Orla. She falls in love with Anglo-Dutch engineering student Jan Colingten, she that knows her dreams of lasting happiness with Jan are impossible............ or are they ?  

Please see below for editions available:


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1st Edition 1965

published by Victor Gollancz Ltd


256 pages

A secondhand edition with light foxing, with a dust wrapper in very good condition

Ref: LB-ocwa-cordell.sinews.1965-cqwiduwp - £35.00


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The Bright Cantonese (1967)

published in the US as The Deadly Eurasian

An American warship launches an atomic bomb into mainland China. Mei Kayling is tasked with finding out the truth, was it deliberate or an accident, the future of the world depends upon it ! 

Please see below for editions available:







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The Dream and the Destiny (1975)

The Long March of Mao Tse-tung and the Chinese people is not only one of the most significant events of world history; it is also one of the most romantic. It is a story of unutterable hardship, of slaughter and disease, all on a vast panoramic scale; and it is the story of courage, determination, idealism, of belief and hope and defeat and victory. It is a story of the birth of a nation. Cordell views the Long March through the eyes of a young doctor, Lin-wai, his love for at first Pipa and the nurse Kwelin is the backbone of the storyline of this incredible march.   

Please see below for editions available:






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The Dreams of Fair Women (1993)

Set against the turbulent backdrop of Hong Kong's piracy, infamous Opium Wars and 'Yellow' slave trade, Milly Smith, the daughter of a Hong Kong tycoon falls for Eli Boggs, the wild and dashing pirate. This doesn't go down well with Eli's regular squeeze, Anna No-Name, a Chinese peasant whi is believed , by her village, to be possessed with the spirit of a fox.   

Please see below for editions available:


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Ulvescroft large print edition 1995

326 pages

A second hand edition in good condition.

Ref: LB-ocwa-cordell-bk.women1995ulvescroft - £12.00



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The Traitor Within (1971)

Ling lives on a commune in Red China which is under repeated attack by the rebels from Taiwan. Although brought up to fight Ling has to come to terms with his growing pacificism. 

Please see below for editions available:





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The White Cockade (1970)

John Regan, a proud Irishman living in Wales has to deliver a letter to Lord Edward Fitzgerald in Dublin after his father is killed attempting the same task. The book covers his journey during which he is attacked several times, press ganged into the Royal Navy an befriended by many. Set amongst the Irish rebellion of 1798.  

Please see below for editions available:


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1st Edition 1970

published by Brockhampton Press Ltd


110 pages

a 1st edition with an original dust wrapper that has one or two small nicks to the edges but generally is in good condition.

Ref: LB-ocwa-cordell-bk.cockade.1970-cqwiduwp - £19.00 





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The Witches Sabbath (1970)

The second novel in the Irish Rebellion trilogy, John Regan is well placed to witness the first battles of the Irish Rebellion, he is destined to play an influential role in the capturing of the British Army's Lord Kingsborough. 

Please see below for editions available:


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1st Edition 1970

published by Brockhampton Press

115 pages

A second hand ex library hardback with a dust wrapper. There are some small tears to the top edge of the wrapper with a sticker added to the spine.

Ref: LB-ocwa-cordell-bk.witches.1970 -ed.1-ex.lib - £12.00



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The Healing Blade (1971)

The third and last novel of John Regan. Sent to France to bring back Wolfe Tone, Regan is part of the invasion force that reaches the shores of Ireland 

Please see below for editions available:


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1st Edition 1971

published by Brockhampton Press Ltd

ISBN 0 340 10422 8

127 pages

A secondhand hardback with a dust wrapper. Both the book and dust wrapper are in very good condition

Ref: LB-ocwa-cordell-bk.blade.1971-ed.1-cqvego - £19.00 





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A Thought of Honour (1954)

The first of Cordell's novels set in second world war. The book is seen as semi-autobiographical. 

Please see below for editions available:






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The Enemy Within (1957)

Cordell's first novel 'A Thought of Honour' re-titled and published in paperback

Please see below for editions available:





Race of the Tiger (1963)

The O'Hara family of Connemara emigrate to Pittsburgh.

Please see below for editions available:


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1st Edition 1963

published by Victor Gollancz Ltd

320 pages

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a signed presentation edition with unusual Cordell signature 'For Charles & Nancy - affectionally Alex (ander) Cordell, without a dust wrapper, also signed by Charles Roebuck, sold together with a publisher's note indicating that the book has been sent by the author's wishes.

Ref: LB-ocwa-cordell-bk-tiger1963-au.ycnnduwp - £39.00

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1st Edition 1963

published by Victor Gollancz Ltd

320 pages

A secondhand hardback with a dust wrapper and protective transparent sleeve. The book is 'as new' apart form a stamp 'FILE COPY' which appears on the inside cover and the back cover of the dust jacket. This would suggest the book has been released from storage by the printers or publishers. 

Ref: LB-ocwa-cordell-bk-tiger1960-ycwiduwp - £25.00


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To Slay the Dreamer (1980)

A story based in the Spanish Civil War. 

Please see below for editions available:


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Leisure Circle Book Club Edition 1980

published by The Leisure Circle

288 pages

A secondhand hardback with a dust wrapper in very good condition. 

Ref: LB-ocwa-cordell-bk.slay.1980-ed.bkcb-tlc - £12.00 



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Send Her Victorious (1997)

An interesting tale set mainly in post-revolution France. Alicia Bernard impersonates Queen Victoria and is put on trial by the people of France.  

Please see below for editions available:


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1st Edition 1997

published by Severn House

ISBN 0-7278-5205-1

216 pages

A second hand ex library edition with a dust wrapper and the usual library markings. 

Ref: LB-ocwa-cordell-bk-victorious.1997 -ed.1.cq-ex.lib - £8.00


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If You Believe the Soldiers (1973)

An Orwellian 1984 style novel from the pen of Cordell, Mark Seaton is a civil servant whose honesty get him into hot water with the government. 

Please see below for editions available:


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1st edition 1973

Hodder & Stoughton

ISBN 0 340 16611 8

224 pages

An ex-library secondhand hardback with a dust wrapper that has a couple of minor nicks and tears. 

Ref: LB-ocwa-cordell-bk.soldiers.1973-ed.1.cq-ex.lib - £14.00 


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Sea Urchin (1979)

A story set in the Isle of Man. Although listed as a children's book, it's still quite a good read.

Please see below for editions available:


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1st edition 1979

published by Collins

ISBN 0 00 184785 6

112 pages

A secondhand hardback with a dust wrapper (price clipped) in very good condition. 

Ref: LB-ocwa-cordell-bk.urchin.1979-ed.1.cqvego - £19.00 


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Tales from Tiger Bay (1986)

A collection of short stories, believed to have been published in paperback only. 

Please see below for editions available:

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1st paperback edition 1986

published by Blorenge Books

120 pages

A secondhand paperback, generally in good condition but with the top right hand corner bumped. 

Ref: LB-ocwa-cordell-pb-tales1986-ed1 - £8.00 




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Alexander Cordell


Mike Buckingham & Richard Frame

ISBN 0 7083 1488 0

published in 1999

167 pages

A biography of Alexander Cordell by his close friends Buckingham & Frame, well written and informative

A secondhand paperback in very good condition 

Ref: LB-ocwa-cordell-mipbbi.1999-buckham - £7.50

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"In the Footsteps of Alexander Cordell"


Chris Barber

ISBN 1 872730 12 4

published in 2007

263 pages

Chris walks the areas where Cordell studied and wrote about Wales, notably the Rape of the Fair country trilogy, and Requiem for a Patriot. 

A secondhand paperback in good condition 

Ref: LB-ocwa-cordell-mipb-barber2007footsteps - £13.00


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A typed letter dated 22/5/53 (Llanellen address) to Charles Roebuck informing him that his first novel 'No Drums Nor Trumpets' (published as 'A Thought of Honour') had been accepted by Museum Press. The letter informs Charles that he is the first to know that the book had been accepted, signed 'Alex'. 

Ref: F74-45-ocwa-cordell-miaulr.19530522 - £67.50

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An un dated typed letter (1959-60) written to Charles Roebuck prior to the publication of 'The Hosts of Rebecaa' referred to in the letter as 'Cry of a Fair People'. Includes references to 'Rape of the Fair Country' film and translation rights and a hand written footnote . 

"You, of all people, are entitled to know progress. Rosina never fails to tell anyone that I owe all this to your initial help and encouragement"

Sold together with 'Rape of the Fair Country' 'reports' distributed by Gollancz, held together by an extremely rusty paper clip.

Ref: F74-45-ocwa-cordell-miaulr.undated - £47.50

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A typed double side letter dated 24/8/58 to Charles Roebuck in which Alex informs Charles of the sale of the American rights to Doubleday & Company. He goes on to explain his worry about paying too much of his royalties in income tax...... 

"....it makes one understand why people like Maugham live in the south of France - they simply cannot afford to live in this forsaken country" 

Ref: F74-45-ocwa-cordell-miaulr.19580824 - £39.50



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A miscellany of items relating to Alexander Cordell as follows

  • Abertillery and District Burma Star Association order of proceedings sheet in which Cordell was the guest speaker, signed and inscribed by Alex (Cordell)

  • An invitation to the above event

  • A newspaper clipping (probably Western Mail) with a politically motivated letter from Cordell

  • Newspaper clipping dated 1/9/77 with lengthy article in which Cordell discusses Arts Council grants

  • Western Mail book review 'This Sweet and Bitter Earth', 11th July 1977

  • Newspaper clipping reporting the death of Cordell's wife in 1972 together with a hand written note of sympathy addressed to 'Alex' believed to be either an unsent note or a draft copy of sent letter (from the collection of Charles Roebuck)  

Ref: F74-46-ocwa-cordell-migp7 - £29.50





Known addresses:

The Lodge, Llanellen, Nr Abergavenny (source - from a letter to Charles Roebuck, St Govans, Parc Rd, Caerphilly, dated 22/5/1953)

Ubique, Holywell Crescent, Abergavenny (source - from a letter to Charles Roebuck, St Govans, Parc Rd, Caerphilly, dated 24/8/1958)

Headlands, Tidenham, Chepstow (source, newspaper report on the death of Mrs Rosina Graber, 21/3/1972) probably in England 

Railway Road, Rhosddu, Wrexham (source - letter to newspaper 'Tory Government is a dictatorship')

'Rebecca', 130 Friary Park, Castletown, Ballabeg, Isle of Man. (source, letter to John of Barry)



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Hosts of Rebecca letter to the papers 'This Sweet and Bitter Earth" Book Review Arts council grants






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RUGBY MEMORABILIA - Art   -  Autographs  -  Badges & Pins  -  Books  -  Cards  -  Collections  -  DVDs  -  First Day Covers  -  Gifts  -  Jerseys  - Magazines  -  Memorabilia  -  Menu Cards  -  Philatelic  -  Phonecards  -  Photographs  -  Postcards - Vintage  -  Postcards - Modern  -  Posters  -  Prints  -  Programmes  -  Rugby World Cup  -  Tickets  -  Ties  -  Videos


RUGBY AUTOGRAPHS  -  Autographs Navigation  -  Balls  -  Cards  -  First Day Covers  -  Jerseys  -  Personally Inscribed items  -  Photographs  -  Prints & Sheets  -  Programmes & Menu Cards


RUGBY BOOKS  -  Books Navigation  -  Annuals  -  Biographies  -  Coaching, Humour, Refereeing & Laws etc  -  Handbooks  -  Histories  -  Media Guides  -  Presentation Books  -  Tours


RUGBY PROGRAMMES (INTERNATIONALS) -  Australia  -  Barbarians  -  British & Irish Lions  -  England  -  France  -  Ireland  -  Italy  -  New Zealand  -  Rugby World Cup  -  Scotland  -  South Africa  -  Wales  -  Argentina to Zimbabwe


RUGBY PROGRAMMES (TOURING TEAMS)  -  Australian Wallabies  -  British & Irish Lions  -  England  -  France  -  Ireland  -  New Zealand All Blacks  -  Scotland  -  South African Springboks  -  Wales  -  Argentina to Zimbabwe


RUGBY PROGRAMMES (MISC)  -  Age Group & Representative  -  Big Match Specials & Celebration Matches  -  Cup finals & semi-finals  -  Presentation  -  Programme Offers  -  Ranfurly Shield  -  Sevens Tournaments  -  International Trials  -  Varsity, Festivals, Regional, Services & Player Testimonials


RUGBY MEMORABILIA & PROGRAMMES (CLUBS)  -  Club Navigation  -  Bath  -  Cardiff  -  English Clubs  - English County  -  Irish Clubs  -  Irish Provincial  -   Llanelli & Scarlets  -  Neath  -  New Zealand Provincial  -  Newport  -  Ospreys  -  Saracens  -  Scottish District  -  South African Provincial  -  Welsh Clubs 


RUGBY PHOTOGRAPHS  -  Photographs Navigation  - Australia  -  British & Irish Lions  -  England  -  France  -  Ireland  -  New Zealand  -  Scotland  -  South Africa  -  Wales


RUGBY TICKETS  -  Tickets Home  -  England  -  France  -  Ireland  -  Italy  -  Rugby World Cup  -  Scotland  -  South Africa  -  Wales


RUGBY MAGAZINES - Magazines Home  -  Australia  -  Britain  -  England  -  France  -  International Rugby News  -  Ireland  -  New Zealand  -  NZ Rugby News  -  Rugby World  -  Scotland  -  South Africa  -  Wales  -  Welsh Rugby  -  Worldwide - Argentina to Zimbabwe   


RUGBY LEAGUE  -  Rugby League Home  -  Badges & Pins  -  Photographs  -  Programmes  -  Tickets


OTHER SPORTS  -  Athletics  -  Boxing  -  Cricket  -  Cycling  -  Golf  -  Horse Racing  -  Motor Sport  -  Soccer / Football  -  Tennis  -  Other Sports  -  General Sport  (including Rugby)


WELSH SPORT  -  Welsh Sport  -  Cardiff City  -  Glamorgan Cricket  -  Newport County  -  Swansea City  - Welsh Soccer  -  Welsh Sport memorabilia


www.world-rugby-museum.com   -   www.sport-wales.com  -  www.personal-trainer-wales.com   -   www.origin-of-sport.com   -  www.walk-around-wales.com 
