Itinerary cards and booklets issued to players and officials prior to travelling to fixtures and on tour. The print runs on these itineraries are very low and most get thrown away by the players so they are rare and difficult to obtain. Most will include travel arrangements, clothing requirements , accommodation and contact details. Listed below are the different styles of itinerary cards and common examples we have come across. 

a1.jpg (40550 bytes) a2.jpg (45881 bytes)


A 4 page fold over card. Illustrated left Cardiff Reserves v Moseley 1906 and illustrated right Scotland v Wales 1981. Normally just containing the basic travel arrangements, this type of itinerary is described as a 'fold over card'

a3.jpg (85550 bytes) a4.jpg (86312 bytes)

b1.jpg (89908 bytes)


A 6 page fold out card, illustrated is Ireland v South Africa 1998. This type of itinerary is described as a 'fold out card'

b2.jpg (99790 bytes)
c1.jpg (73362 bytes)


The itinerary illustrated is for the Fijian tour of Ireland 1985, this particular itinerary is an A4 printed sheet folded over to make a 6 page pamphlet. This type of itinerary is described as a 'pamphlet'

c2.jpg (72662 bytes)
d1.jpg (37589 bytes) d2.jpg (44882 bytes)


Modern photocopy itinerary, illustrated is the Irish team itinerary for Wales v Ireland 2001. 3 separate A5 sheets of paper stapled together. This type of itinerary is described as a 'loose sheet'

d3.jpg (38153 bytes) d4.jpg (36290 bytes)
e1.jpg (65513 bytes) e2.jpg (85607 bytes) e3.jpg (128043 bytes)


A booklet, normally a mine of information. Illustrated is the All Blacks tour of British Isles 1997, view the contents page illustration 2 to get an idea of the information contained in this booklet. This type of itinerary is described as a 'booklet' 

e4.jpg (103731 bytes) e5.jpg (69546 bytes)



QUICK LINKS - Argentina  -  Australia  -  Canada  -  England  -  Fiji  -  France  -  Ireland  -  New Zealand  -  Romania  -  SamoaScotland  -  South Africa  -  Tonga  -  Wales



61.jpg (103322 bytes) Argentina tour of South Africa 1971 - 3 page foolscap size loose sheet itinerary for complete tour issued by Transvaal Rugby Union. 

Ref: mmitin.artr1971sa - £5.00zzz


1989-ArgInNZ.jpg (31425 bytes)

Argentina to NZ 1989 Official NZRFU itinerary listing squad details, hotel arrangements, travel details 

Ref mmitin.artr1989 - £9.00zzz  

T01.jpg (27994 bytes) ARGENTINA to Ireland, England & Scotland 1990 - booklet.

Ref: mmitin.artr1990 - £3.00zzz  




98.jpg (225517 bytes) AUSTRALIA TOUR OF BRITISH ISLES, ENGLAND, SCOTLAND, IRELAND & WALES 1957-58 PLAYER'S ITINERARY - A six-page fold out card containing the tour itinerary, hotel & team information. 

Overall condition: very good - Noted faults: early scores inked in.

Ref: mmitin.astr1957-8br - £35.00 


97.jpg (249318 bytes) AUSTRALIA TOUR OF BRITISH ISLES, ENGLAND, SCOTLAND, IRELAND & WALES 1975-76 PLAYER'S ITINERARY - A six-page fold out card containing the tour itinerary, hotel & team information.

Overall condition: very good - Noted faults: writing on front cover.

Ref: mmitin.astr1975-6br - £12.00 


T04.jpg (26305 bytes) AUSTRALIA to Ireland & Wales 1992 - booklet.

Ref: mmitin.astr1992ir - £4.00zzz  


T05.jpg (30524 bytes) AUSTRALIA to Scotland Ireland & Wales 1996 - booklet

Ref: mmitin.astr1996sc* - £4.00zzz  



96.jpg (247790 bytes) CANADA TOUR OF BRITISH ISLES, ENGLAND, SCOTLAND, IRELAND & WALES 1962 PLAYER'S ITINERARY - A six-page fold out card containing the tour itinerary, hotel & team information. 

Overall condition: very good - Noted faults: none identified.

Ref: mmitin.catr1962br - £17.00 

M09.jpg (48556 bytes) CANADA to EUROPE 1994  - loose sheet  

Ref: mmitin.catr1994eu - £2.00zzz




95.jpg (191159 bytes) England Itinerary - France v England 1960 at Paris - A fold over card containing the player's itinerary for the match. 

Overall condition: very good - Noted faults: annotations to itinerary and writing to back cover.

Ref: mmitin.enfr1960 - £15.00 


94.jpg (173347 bytes) England Itinerary - France v England 1970 at Paris - A fold over card containing the committee and player's itinerary for the match. 

Overall condition: very good - Noted faults: none identified.

Ref: mmitin.enfr1970 - £10.00 


93.jpg (149021 bytes) England Itinerary - Scotland v England 1970 at Edinburgh - A fold over card containing the committee and player's itinerary for the match. 

Overall condition: very good - Noted faults: none identified.

Ref: mmitin.ensc1970 - £10.00 


52.jpg (165689 bytes) (England) v Ireland 1979 - fold over card - number written on the front.

Ref: mmitin.enir79 - £3.00


38.jpg (14476 bytes) (England) v Scotland 1980 - fold over card - Grand Slam season for England

Ref: mmitin.ensc80 - £9.00


69.jpg (16519 bytes) (England) v Wales 1979 - fold over card 

Ref: TC15-mmitin.enwa79 - £5.00


92.jpg (183734 bytes) England Itinerary - Scotland v England 1996 at Edinburgh - A fold over card containing the player's itinerary for the match. 

Overall condition: very good - Noted faults: name on front.

Ref: mmitin.ensc1996 - £5.00 


91.jpg (179576 bytes) England Itinerary - Wales v England 1997 at Cardiff - Last international at Cardiff Arms Park. A fold over card containing the committee and player's itinerary for the match. 

Overall condition: very good - Noted faults: name on front.

Ref: mmitin.enwa1997 - £6.00 




1970-All Blacks.jpg (23751 bytes)

Fiji to NZ 1970. Official NZRFU itinerary listing squad details, hotel arrangements, travel details 

Ref mmitin.fjtr70 - £15.00  



FRANCE - sold out



I06.jpg (30032 bytes) v Australia 1996 - fold over card 

Ref: mmitin.iras96 - £3.00


I20.jpg (26571 bytes) v England - Mar 19th 1988 - fold over card - 

Ref: mmitin.iren88 - £3.00


I22.jpg (28225 bytes) v England - Mar2nd 1991 - fold out card - 

Ref: mmitin.iren91 - £4.00


05.jpg (21021 bytes) v Fiji - 18 Nov 1995 - fold out card - 

Ref: mmitin.irfj95 - £3.00


04.jpg (42778 bytes) v France - 8 March 2003 - loose sheet (3 pages) - 

Ref: mmitin.irfr03 - £4.00


I45.jpg (29891 bytes) v Romania 1993 - fold over card

Ref: mmitin.irro93 - £3.00


I61.jpg (29337 bytes) v Scotland - 5 Mar 1994 - fold out card, name & tel no written on reverse

Ref: mmitin.irsc94 - £4.00


I62.jpg (28897 bytes) v Scotland 1996 - fold over card

Ref: mmitin.irsc96 - £3.00


60.jpg (12847 bytes) Ireland v Wales 1954 - fold over card

Ref: mmitin.irwa1954 - £25.00


I10.jpg (27139 bytes) v Wales 1977 - fold over card

Ref: mmitin.irwa77 - £3.00




90.jpg (259325 bytes) NEW ZEALAND TOUR OF AUSTRALIA 1951 - A six-page fold out card containing the tour itinerary & team information.

Overall condition: very good - Noted faults: full tour results inked in & punched holes.

Ref: mmitin.nztr1951as - £35.00 


T13.jpg (25612 bytes) NEW ZEALAND to Wales & Ireland 1989 - booklet 

Ref: mmitin.nztr1989* - £3.00


96.jpg (205638 bytes) NEW ZEALAND to Wales, Ireland & England 1997 - 32 page booklet 

Ref: mmitin.nztr1997wa - £8.00




03.jpg (15529 bytes)

Scotland v France 1961 - fold over card 

Ref: mmitin.scfr61 - £12.00


02.jpg (14574 bytes) Scotland v South Africa 1961 - fold over card 

Ref: mmitin.scsa61 - £12.00




46.jpg (54148 bytes) SOUTH AFRICA to France 1952, 8 page booklet, official player's itinerary, folding creases, name on front in pencil.

Ref: mmitin.satr52fr - £65.00  


89.jpg (244430 bytes) SOUTH AFRICA TOUR OF NEW ZEALAND 1956 - An eight-page booklet containing the list of matches, travel itinerary, hotel & team information.

Overall condition: very good - Noted faults: none identified.

Ref: mmitin.satr1956nz - £45.00 



TONGA - sold out



02.jpg (25830 bytes) v England 1935 - fold over card 

Ref: mmitin.waen35 - £40.00


03.jpg (26251 bytes) v England  1939 - fold over card - pencil marks on cover 

Ref: mmitin.waen39 - £29.00


88.jpg (132850 bytes) Wales Itinerary - England v Wales 1962 at Twickenham - A fold over card containing the committee and player's itinerary for the match. 

Overall condition: very good - Noted faults: none identified.

Ref: mmitin.waen1962- £16.00 


06.jpg (22708 bytes) v France 1930 - fold over card 

Ref: mmitin.wafr30 - £45.00


87.jpg (121319 bytes) Wales Itinerary - France v Wales 1961 at Paris - A fold over card containing the committee and player's itinerary for the match. 

Overall condition: very good - Noted faults: none identified.

Ref: mmitin.wafr1961- £16.00 


10.jpg (26720 bytes) v Scotland 1932 - fold over card 

Ref: mmitin.wasc32 - £40.00


11.jpg (26524 bytes) v Scotland 1934 - fold over card 

Ref: mmitin.wasc34 - £35.00 


12.jpg (24484 bytes) v Scotland 1936 - fold over card 

Ref: mmitin.wasc36 - £34.00 



95.jpg (207326 bytes) Wales tour of Japan & Hong Kong 1975, 12 page booklet. 

Ref: mmitin.watr1975ja - £25.00

89-CanItinb.jpg (31961 bytes) Wales tour of Canada 1989, 12 page booklet.

Ref: mmitin.watr89 - £15.00


51.jpg (35258 bytes) Wales tour of Namibia 1990, 12 page booklet.

Ref: mmitin.watr1990* - £20.00






boon-1.jpg (336854 bytes)

Article on Ronnie Boon in The Times 1983

Ronnie Boon was one of Welsh rugby's great characters of the 1930s. He would turn up prior to matches and announce himself with the catchphrase 'have no fear, Boon is here'. This 'Boy from Barry' was an all round athlete, a Glamorgan cricketer, an international sprinter, possessing good looks and charm in abundance, Ronnie Boon was a popular figure amongst his team mates and the Welsh rugby public. He made his debut against Scotland in 1930 and played 12 times for Wales. He is best remembered for scoring all the points in Wales' first victory at Twickenham in 1933 scoring a try (3 points) and a drop goal (4 points) in the 7 - 3 victory against the old enemy. Remarkably this was the second year in succession that he achieved this scoring feat against England, having previously contributed a drop goal and try in the 12 - 5 victory at Swansea in 1932. A prolific try scorer, Boon was considered to be one of the best wings in Britain during the early 1930s. He played his club rugby at Cardiff scoring 76 tries in 98 games. In 1931 he went to Dunfermerline to study as a physical education teacher and played the majority of his rugby from then on in Scotland, but he was always invited down to play for Cardiff in the big games. He scored a try against the 1931 Springboks with a scintillating run of 45 yards. An injury to his knee in 1933 meant that he missed the Scotland match and sat out the remainder of the international season. Boon stayed in Scotland teaching once his college days were over, possibly he was out of sight and out of mind for the Welsh selectors, he never played for Wales again. 

We are offering 4 of Ronnie Boon's Welsh international players itinerary cards issued by the Welsh Rugby Union.

rb-s-30-fc.jpg (254344 bytes) rb-e-31-fc.jpg (61934 bytes) rb-i-31-fc.jpg (46485 bytes) rb-s-32-fc.jpg (50647 bytes)
Ronnie Boon's debut - Herbert Waddell dropped a goal  to give the Scottish a last minute victory 12 - 9. Wales almost broke the Twickenham bogey at this game, England kicked a penalty 3 minutes from time to draw the game 11 - 11. Wales smashed Ireland 15 - 3 in Belfast to deny the Irish the Triple Crown Boon scored the try in this 6 -0 defeat of Scotland at Murrayfield. 
Scotland v Wales 1930

Ref: F9-276-mmitin.waxb - £75.00

Wales v England 1931


Ireland  v Wales 1931


Scotland v Wales 1932




T23.jpg (37451 bytes) AUSTRALIAN Schools to England, Ireland & Wales - 18 page booklet

Ref: mmitmi.asshtr1977-78en - £7.00  


37.jpg (18977 bytes) Cambridge University American Tour 1934 - 12 page booklet 

Ref: itmitrusenun-cm34 - £29.00 


86.jpg (179859 bytes) CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY TOUR OF WALES 1952 - A fold over card containing tour itinerary.

Overall condition: very good - Noted faults: none identified.

Ref: mmitmi-cmu-tr1952wa - £15.00 


85.jpg (427940 bytes) CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY TOUR OF FRANCE 1952 - A fold over card containing tour itinerary.

Overall condition: very good - Noted faults: annotation to centre page.

Ref: mmitmi-cmu-tr1952fr - £24.00 


84.jpg (111962 bytes) CARDIFF TOUR OF SOUTH AFRICA 1979 - A 16-page booklet containing tour itinerary, game schedule, hotel & team information.

Overall condition: very good - Noted faults: none identified.

Ref: mmitmi-cdf-tr1979sa - £8.00 


83.jpg (214394 bytes) GOWERTON CENTENARY TOUR OF BERLIN & PARIS 1984 - A fold over card containing tour itinerary.

Overall condition: very good - Noted faults: slight marks to front.

Ref: mmitmi-gow-tr1984gmfr - £5.00 


T28.jpg (25352 bytes) IRELAND & SCOTLAND v ENGLAND v WALES 1975 -  fold over card 

Ref: itmiirscenwa75 - £6.00  


82.jpg (294567 bytes) LEICESTER WORLD TOUR 1987 - A six-page fold out card containing tour matches, tour itinerary, hotel & team information.

Overall condition: very good - Noted faults: none identified.

Ref: mmitmi-lei-tr1987wo - £7.00 


M10.jpg (90570 bytes) ROYAL NAVY to New Zealand 1982  - loose sheet 

Ref: itmisv-nv-trnz82 - £2.00  


81.jpg (326265 bytes) WELSH STUDENTS RUGBY WORLD CUP 1992 - A 12 page booklet containing tournament schedule, hotel & team information, notes, itinerary and words to seven songs.  

Overall condition: very good - Noted faults: none identified.

Ref: mmitmi-wacgwc1992iy - £7.00 





Complimentary cards and booklets issued by businesses, companies, clubs & unions. 


28.jpg (30619 bytes) Wallabies in South Africa 1953 - fold over card presented by Pegasus & Mobiloil, some scores inked in.

Ref: itpas53-peg - £20.00 


80.jpg (706790 bytes) 1957-58 - Australia Tour of British Isles - Western Mail, fold over card containing tour fixtures. Overall condition: very good - Noted faults:  three scores written neatly inside in ink. 

Ref: mmitpi.as1957-br - £35.00


45.jpg (218400 bytes) Wallabies in South Africa 1963 - fold over card - with the compliments of Riggio Tobacco Corporation of New York, 

Ref: itpias1963-riggio - £17.00 




78.jpg (608140 bytes) 1959 - British Lions Tour of New Zealand - Unknown publisher, 6 page fold out card overprinted for distribution by Joseph Nathan & Co (N.Z.) Ltd. Overall condition: good - Noted faults:  scores written neatly inside in ink, small mark & pin hole to top of front cover, 

Ref: mmitpi.br1959-nathan - £35.00


77.jpg (627327 bytes)

1959 British Lions Tour of New Zealand - Unknown publisher, a 12 page booklet overprinted for distribution by D  Williams of Denniston. Overall condition: good  -  Noted faults: scores written in pencil inside, some light creasing.

 Ref: mmitpi.br1959-williams - £25.00


59-it-br.jpg (12045 bytes) 1959 - Bank of NZ, 6 page fold out card, scores partly inked in

Ref: TF1-70-mmitpi.br1959-bank.-nz* - £19.00  


63-itbr.jpg (9174 bytes) 1959 - Fred Chapman, 12 page booklet, previous results & itinerary, scores inked in.

Ref: TF1-67-itbr59 - £29.00  


61-itbr.jpg (11586 bytes) 1959 - F Cooper - fold over card - scores partly inked in. 

Ref: TF1-64-itbr59 - £19.00  


04.jpg (26786 bytes) 1966 - Goodyear,  single small card, creased and scores inked in to reverse.

Ref: F9-266-itpibrxb - £8.00  


44.jpg (20191 bytes) 1966 - Phillips Records, fold over card, some creasing

Ref: TC2-itbr66-pr - £15.00  


45.jpg (6373 bytes) 1966 - Jim Lavin - Government Life Insurance Office - fold over card.

Ref: TC2-itbr66-jl - £9.00  


80.jpg (184678 bytes) 1966 British Lions Tour of New Zealand - Bank of New Zealand - Lions player information, tour itinerary, 6 page fold out card. Overall condition: good - Noted faults: score added to itinerary, written in ink 

Ref: mmitpi.br1966-bank-nz - £30.00


76.jpg (516813 bytes) 1966 British Lions Tour of New Zealand - Schweppes itinerary card, a single small fold over card.

Ref: mmitpi,br1966-schweppes - £9.00


22.jpg (17194 bytes) 1971 - Lion Beer pull out itinerary - unusual item.

Ref: TC2-itbr71-lion - £35.00 


24.jpg (9241 bytes) 1971 - Reid Rubber fold over card - scores inked in and pen scribble to inside.

Ref: TC2-brit71-rr - £7.00


96.jpg (11459 bytes) 1977 - Doncaster Tavern, Timaru, scores inked in

Ref: TC8-itbr77-dt - £6.00  




74.jpg (399130 bytes) French tour of New Zealand 1961 - printed and published by Bryce Francis, Wellington and overprinted for distribution by Godfrey Phillips (N.Z.) Ltd. A 16 page booklet including player photos and info, Overall condition: good - Noted faults: top left hand corner of the front cover faded with staining to the internal pages. Scores inked in to tour itinerary.

Ref: mmitpi.frtr1961-philips - £12.00


33.jpg (31790 bytes) France in South Africa 1967 - fold over card compliments of Richelieu et Cie Ltd. 

Ref: itpifrtr67 - £15.00 




34.jpg (101212 bytes) 1949 All Blacks tour of South Africa - 'The Four Square' Souvenir Score Card, large four page fold over card, issuing store ink stamp on front, notes in pencil inside. 

Ref: PC27-itpinztr49-fs - £35.00  

79.jpg (302018 bytes) 1953-54 - New Zealand Tour of British Isles - The Sports Depot, Wellington, 12-page booklet containing results and players of the three previous tours to the British Isles, player information, tour fixtures, results and players of British Lions in New Zealand 1930 and 1950,  also list of New Zealand cricket team players and fixtures of the New Zealand cricket team in South Africa 1953-54. Overall condition: good - Noted faults:  scores written neatly inside in ink, 

Ref: mmitpi.nztr1953-br - £35.00


78.jpg (304157 bytes) 1989 - New Zealand Tour of British Isles & France - New Zealand News UK, fold over card containing all fixtures. Overall condition: very good - Noted faults:  none. 

Ref: mmitpi.nztr1989-brfr - £5.00




79.jpg (231994 bytes) 1951 Springboks tour of British Isles - 24 page booklet including pen pictures of Springboks, presented by Springbok Cigarettes. Overall condition: good, Noted faults: scores inked in

Ref: mmitpi.satr1951 - £39.00  


77.jpg (372508 bytes) 1956 - South Africa Tour of New Zealand - Railways Publicity & Advertising Branch, 12-page fold out poster containing team and hotel information, games played, tour itinerary plus map of New Zealand indicating routes by railcar, motor coach and plane, with information on hosting towns and cities. Overall condition: very good - Noted faults:  scores written neatly inside in ink plus 2 additional players added to players list in ink. 

Ref: mmitpi.nztr1989-brfr - £65.00


14.jpg (25700 bytes) 1965 Springboks tour of Australia & NZ - Riggio Tobacco Corporation - containing the match itinerary, player list and previous results, a 4 page fold over card with the scores written neatly in ink.

Ref: itpisa65-riggio - £19.00 


33.jpg (15341 bytes) 1965 Springboks tour of NZ  - compliments of Osram, fold over card, light soiling to the front cover

Ref: itpisa65-osram - £8.00  




76.jpg (425385 bytes) 1969-70 - Outline of rugby tours 1969-70 - Castella and Toledo Cigars, 10-page fold out containing Wales tour of New Zealand 1969 fixtures and results and scorers of previous New Zealand v Wales encounters,  Tonga tour of New Zealand 1969 fixtures, New Zealand tour of South Africa 1970 fixtures and results of previous Springboks v All Blacks encounters. Overall condition: very good - Noted faults:  one result written in ink. 

Ref: mmitpi.nztr1989-brfr - £18.00




20.jpg (85188 bytes) 11.jpg (452515 bytes) Three complimentary fixture booklets issued by independant Welsh Brewers Evans Bevans and Hancocks. Teams covered by these booklets include Cardiff City, Swansea City, Newport County, Aberavon, Neath, Swansea, Maesteg, Llanelli, Bridgend & Cardiff. All three booklets are unmarked and in good condition. 

Ref: itpimigp-g - £29.00 


74.jpg (464418 bytes) 1956-57 - Football Fixtures - Starsons (Publishers) Ltd,  Risca, 8-page fold out card advertising the Glamorgan County Road Safety Campaign, containing fixtures for  Cardiff RFC, Pontypridd RFC, Bridgend RFC, Maesteg RFC, Swansea Town and Cardiff City. 

Overall condition: good - Noted faults:  single crease

Ref: mmftls.lcnztr1989-brfr - £15.00






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