The small leather case that has historically contained family archives. Ref: DC06
Photos from the family montage, loose and out of frame. Ref: DC06-case
Women's Land Army Certificate ( & Medal illustrated) for Marion Richards
1922-2012, signed by Prime Minister, Gordon Brown, dated July 2008. Badge now in
montage with dad's medals. Ref: DC06-case
Desert Island Dad - handwritten 'Desert Island Discs' choices by David Richards
1922-1991 + cassette tape with the songs on. Stories which inspire his choice of
music range from wartime experiences to modern day. Ref: DC06-case
Prudential Assurance policy dated 1958 for 68 Moorland Rd & 7 Orchid Close,
with cancellation notice for 1971, Plus insurance schedule booklet, PAYE (Tax)
notification & British Steel pension Scheme advice notices. Contained in
'Prudential assurance envelope. Ref: DC06-case
Plastic pocket containing:
Vehicle Registration document for motorcycle - Blue Triumph 1056cc - NTX 42E
Medical card of MM Richards
old log books for scooters & petrol ration books from the 1970s. Ref: DC06-case
Plastic pocket containing a group of Letters from Laurie to Grandmum. Ref: DC06-case
A5 brown envelope marked (1) containing the writings of David Richards (Senior
b.1922) including:
Ruby Wedding poem original
Notes on a talk about Neville Chamberlain (incomplete).
Poem called "The Clock" relating to the 30 years 'Long Servivce'
clock awarded to him at the BSC
Poem called 'Caution' relating to safety at the BSC
Short poem called 'Winter'
Letter to a newspaper dated 30/4/84 (most likely the Neath Guardian) -
obituary of Flossie Rees-Snow who died 3/4/84.
Poem titled 'Christmas'
Poem marking the retirement of Dennis and Stan at the BSC
photocopy of a thank you letter from Dennis & Stan
Poem called 'A95s' relating to some sort of 'converter' at the BSC
A well known poem called 'A Crabbit Old Woman' 'that Uncle Arthur (Davies)
had given to David Richards (Senior) with a note to the reverse by Uncle Arthur
Report of a visit to Ford Dagenham & Cologne
Letter to a newspaper undated titled 'Community Spirit' (most likely the
Neath Guardian) about the Leonard Street Christmas Dinner.
Character reference for John Tetsill dated 1/3/76
Untitled poem starting 'They were called Reliefs - before Wims came along'. Ref: DC06-case
A5 brown envelope marked (2) containing rough and typed drafts of poems in
(1). Ref: DC06-case
Steel News - December 1980 complete newspaper with article on 'sick fund' and
photo including David senior on page 12. Ref: DC06-case
A4 size brown envelope containing a 20 page commemorative brochure to mark the
'Dissolution of Neath Rural Council 1894-1974 and 4 smaller than A4 size prints
of the Vale of Neath. Ref: DC06-case

A4 size brown envelope containing a 4 page handwritten history of Arthritis Care
in Neath by David Richards Snr, dated 22/7/91. Ref: DC06-case
A3 size brown envelope containing preaching notes of Uncle Arthur (Davies), he
was a lay preacher, contained in 2 notebooks and loose leaf sheets, 2 photos,
Uncle Arthur & auntie katie & real postcard photo believed to be a
younger Uncle Arthur + anniversary & birthday cards from UA to AK. Ref: DC06-case
GCE Certificate for David Richards (Snr) for Social Studies & one other for
what look to be a Welsh language qualification. Ref: DC06-case
Thin brown envelope titled 'Correspondance re - 61 Leonard St' containing mostly
letters from solicitors relating to the sale of 161 Tyn-y-Twr and the purchase
of 61 Leonard St. Ref: DC06-case
A4 size envelope with letter relating to SCOW sick fund photo (photo not
enclosed). Ref: DC06-case

A5 size brown envelope containing 3 x Gnoll Senior Boys School 'scholar's
reports' single sheet end of term school reports for July 1931, Xmas 1931 &
July 1932, all 3 signed by teacher and parent (John Richards). British College
of Accordianists letter & Certificate dated 1939, plus a couple of other
more modern correspondance and certificates. Ref: DC06-case
Small brown envelope titled 'Mam and Dad Documents containing documents relating
to the cremation and scattering of their ashes at Swansea Crematorium in Section
3. Grampa on 26/6/73 & Nana on 17/4/79. Ref: DC06-case
receipt for 'Book of Rememberance John Richards - Morriston Crematorium
6/7/73. Ref: DC06-case
5-6 ISTC Union dues books belonging to David Richards. Ref: DC06-case
Typed 'deck of cards' story. Ref: DC06-case
Marriage certificate of John Richards and Mary Davies at the Zoar Chapel, Neath,
Charles Davies (Mary's dad) was the caretaker at this chapel. The chapel still
stands and is currently a store house for Zoar's Ark pet foods.
Death Certificate of Gertrude Mabel Rees 22/10/54, age 63, 15 Eva St, wife of
James Francis Rees, labouerer, Metal Box, cerebral thrombosis & other stuff
Death Certificate of Mary Richards (b 29/12/1891, Neath), 15/2/79, age 87,
Glyndulais Home, Crynant, Neath, widow of John Richards, a tinworker, cerebral
thrombosis & cerebral arteriosclerosis
Death Certificate of John Richards (b 2/2/1887, Neath), 21/6/73, age 86,
Trenewydd Home, Brecon, tinplate worker, retired, myocardial degeneration,
arterio sclerosis, gastro enteritis
Death Certificate of David Richards (b 25/4/1922, Neath), 15/9/91, age 69, 61
Leonard St, steelworker, retired, coronary heart disease.
Receipt for Park Hotel, Cardiff - honeymoon of David & Marion Richards. Ref: DC06-case
Steel News, 18 May 1972 with photo of David Richards amongst others and article
titled 'All Time Records at Port Talbot'. Ref: DC06-case
Margam Crematorium Booklet dedicated 'Mary Richards, cremated on 20/2/79. Ref: DC06-case
Royal Air Force Service & Release book for Leading Aircraftman Richards D,
1132461, leave card & programme for a Moonlight Fantasia Song and Dance at
the El Alamein club 5/7/1944, leave card. Ref: DC06-case
Neath inn Signs of typed page detailing a list of Neath pubs 50 years ago, date
unknown, circa 1960s. Ref: DC06-case
passport & driving licence for David Richards. Ref: DC06-case
A group of postcards from various people to Marion & David including, Anne,
Vera & Bill, Phyllis & Gordon. Ref: DC06-case
A DR signet ring, RAF Association button hole badge & unknown key contained
in a small muslim bag. Ref: DC06-case
medals of David Richards - removed from case now part of Mam & Dad
empty medal box with leaflet containing WWII medal information. Ref: DC06-case
ISTC Stewards collecting book containing notes for Arthritis Care, Neath
meetings, David Richards Senior was chairman of the Neath Branch, the last
meeting is dated August 15th, possibly 1991, he passed away on 15th September
1991. Many newspaper cuttings relating to David in Arthritis care and one of
Marion in Cancer Shop. Ref: DC06-case

3 Pocket Watches - 1 having belonged to James Richards at a previously unknown
address, 9 Ethel St, Melin, Neath, inscription with address to inside case, the
watch marked 'The 'English' Express Lever, silver and is by J C Graves,
Sheffield, missing one hand and possibly a glass face, with chain. 2 x Smiths
pocket watches which were i believe gifts from uncle Bill (Davies) to david jnr
in th 1960s (overwound). Ref: DC06-case
Jacobs & Co Biscuit tin containing
- 2 Neath Borough police buttons
- Neath & District Sports Supporters Club button hole badge
- SB Emergency Hospital Scheme button hole badge
- Great Coronation Recruiting Campaign 1911 medal
- 150th Anniversary of Robert Raikes, founder of Sunday Schools medal
- 3 Sunday School for regular attendance medals
- gold ? medal 'presented to J Richards by the Eagle Tinplate Co. for
services done in the Great War
- small bags of screws nuts, attatchments etc, also loose in the tin. Ref: DC06-case
Princess Margaret visit to SCOW in 1966 tag & nappy pin, circa
1980s. Ref: DC06-case

Choir & presentation photos circa late 1988 - 1999. Ref: DC06-case
Marion Richards - Funeral 'order and service' cards, funeral music CD, condolance book from 'wake'
& sympathy cards. Ref: DC06
Marion's Metal Box photo and Women's Land Army release papers. Ref: DC06
David Richards - British Steel Corporation reference - Ref: DC06
John Richards 2/2/1887 birth certificate (copy for the purpose of unemployment
insurance, dated 1935) Ref: DC06
Misc items -
3 issues of the South Wales Evening Post - front & back pages to include
death notices and 'thank you for floral tributes notice David Richards,
envelope containing small bunches of hair for Barbara, Adrian, Harold, Marion
and either Anne, David or Andrea, although on the envelope it does state David's
hair when 1 year 1 month.
Stainless Steel tray awarded to Mr D Richards, Class Winner in Household
Embroidery, BSC Port Talbot Works Gala Day 1979.
Dagger in sheath believed to have been brought back from WWII by David
Richards, looks to be North African. This used to hang on the wall in orchid
Close when we lived there.
Woollen rabbit that has been in the house forever, Marion used this for some
reason with the presssure cooker.
David Richards blood transfusion booklet
Emma Freeman book of poems age 10, just an orange, book about Emma, photo of
the Freeman family
Original photos of Olga, Marion & Peggy, Keith & Marilyn
(Davies) wedding, jock & Lyndon Paterson wedding, John & Mary
david to marion ruby wedding card with poem
Ann & Barbara Festival of Wales 1958 Beach carnival prize
certificates Ref DC06
Misc 'modern' Richards family keepsakes -
Sorted into bags - Dai Sports Stuff - results, newsletters etc, - Dai other
keepsakes - including photo album - family stuff to sort eventually ??? - photos
keep but not that important and/or need to be re-sorted and a lot thrown
Ref: DC10
family photo albums including Flossie's photo albums and lots of photos of the
Rees, Freeman, Kite & Bunston families. Lots of unconnected photos. DC11