Match reports, newspaper cuttings relating to rugby matches from around the world and articles of rugby interest



39.jpg (864761 bytes) England v Australia

The Times - report

1 Feb  1958 Twickenham 9-6 size - 13cm x 41cm

Ref: nwenas58 - £4.00

38.jpg (595742 bytes) England v France

The Times - report

24 Feb 1951 Twickenham 11-3 size - 8.5cm x 50cm

Ref: nwenfr51 - £5.00

37.jpg (597065 bytes) England v France

The Times - report

28 Feb 1953 Twickenham 11-0 size - 12cm x 27cm

Ref: nwenfr53 - £5.00

36.jpg (708516 bytes) England v France

The Times - report

28 Feb 1959 Twickenham 3-3 size - 18cm x 24cm

Ref: nwenfr59 - £4.00

34.jpg (978640 bytes) England v Ireland

The Times - report

13 Feb 1954 Twickenham 14-3 size - 18cm x 41cm

Ref: nwenir54 - £5.00

33.jpg (837835 bytes) England v Ireland

The Times - report

8 Feb 1958 Twickenham 6-0 size - 12cm x 50cm

Ref: nwenir58 - £5.00

 32.jpg (489253 bytes) England v New Zealand Services (Kiwis)

The Times - report

1946 Twickenham 3-18 size - 6cm x 43cm

Ref: nwennz46 - £12.00

31.jpg (442790 bytes) England v New Zealand

All Blacks Grand Slam Tour

Match report by Richard Sharp

25 Nov 1978 Twickenham 6-16 size - 18.5cm x 13.5cm

Ref: nwennz78 - £5.00

30.jpg (505305 bytes) England v Scotland

The Times - report

16 Mar 1946 Twickenham   size - 6cm x 43cm

Ref: nwensc46 - £9.00

28.jpg (353563 bytes) England v Wales

Grand Slam season for Wales

The Times - report

21 Jan 1950 Twickenham 5-11 size - 8cm x 52cm

Ref: nwenwa50 - £7.00

24.jpg (538566 bytes) England v Wales

Grand Slam season for England

Match Reports

 16 Feb 1980 Twickenham 9-8 sizes - 24cm x 43cm

20.5cm x 31cm, 6cm x 16cm, 14cm, 16cm, 6cm x 13cm, 26cm x 28cm, 39cm x 37cm, 12cm x 21cm, 39cm x 29cm

Ref: nwenwa80 - £7.00

26.jpg (350374 bytes) Scotland v New Zealand

The Scotsman - pre-match (full page)

2 Dec 1967 Murrayfield 3-14 size 42cm x 60cm

Ref: nwscnz67bf - £8.00

27.jpg (611388 bytes) Wales v Australia

Wallabies Grand Slam Tour

Match preview by Patrick Collins

24 Nov 1984 Cardiff  9-28 size - 30cm x 16cm

Ref: nwwaas84bf - £2.00

20.jpg (291434 bytes) Wales v England

Match report

5 Feb 1983 Cardiff 13-13 size - 35cm x 41cm

Ref: nwwaen83 - £3.00

19.jpg (305627 bytes) Wales v South Africa

Match report

3 Dec 1960 Cardiff  0-3 size - 30cm x 37cm
9cm x 21cm

Ref: nwwasa60 - £6.00

85.jpg (170292 bytes) South Africa v British Lions

2nd Test

pre-match report

21 Jul 1962 Durban   0-3 size - 36cm x 29cm

Ref: nwbr62sa2.bf - £6.00

17.jpg (163668 bytes) South Africa v British Lions

2nd Test

Match report from Brian Rudden

21 Jul 1962 Durban   0-3 size - 47cm x 51cm

Ref: nwbr62sa2.af - £6.00

16.jpg (420164 bytes) South Africa v British Lions

3rd Test

pre-match report - full page Cape Times Week-end Magazine

4 Aug 1962 Cape Town   3-8 size - 41cm x 61cm

Ref: nwbr62sa3.bf - £9.00

21.jpg (1169465 bytes) Border v British Lions

Match report

11 Aug 1962 East London   0-5 size - 15cm x 27cm, 10cm x 10.5cm, 14.5cm x 18cm

Ref: nwbr62-border - £9.00

15.jpg (258890 bytes) Combined Services v British Lions

Match report

11 Jul 1962 Potchefstroom 6-20 size - 35cm x 51cm, 15cm x 16cm, 5cm x 18.5cm

Ref: nwbr62.cosv - £9.00

14.jpg (210419 bytes) Eastern Province v British Lions

Match report from Neil Cameron

30 Jun 1962 Port Elizabeth 6-21 size - 30cm x 41cm

Ref: nwbr62.eapv - £9.00

13.jpg (226191 bytes) Junior Springboks v British Lions

Match report by Francois Roux

7 Jul 1962 Pretoria


size - 30.5cm x 49cm

Ref: nwbr62-junior.springboks - £9.00

86.jpg (163124 bytes) Natal v British Lions

Match report from A. C Parker

27 Jun 1962 Durban 3-13 size - 34cm x 27.5cm

Ref: nwbr62-natal - £9.00

99.jpg (683883 bytes) North Eastern Districts v British Lions

Match report from Neil Cameron

8 Aug 1962 Burgersdorp 8-34

size - 19cm x 29cm

Ref: nwbr62.noea-districts - £9.00

84.jpg (210541 bytes) Northern Universities v British Lions

Match report by Francois Roux

25 Jul 1962 Springs   6-6 size - 34cm x 33cm

Ref: nwbr62.noun - £9.00

98.jpg (375568 bytes) South Western Districts v British Lions

Match report

17 Jul 1962 Oudtshoorn 3-11 size - 20cm x 29cm

Ref: nwbr62.sswe-districts - £7.00

83.jpg (191081 bytes) Western Province v British Lions

Match reports

14 Jul 1962   13-21 size - 39cm x 48cm, 36cm x 27cm, 12cm x 31cm, 5cm x 16cm, 43cm x 56cm

Ref: nwbr62.wepv - £9.00

97.jpg (791917 bytes) Border v British Lions

Match report from J. B. G Thomas

 1968     size - 19cm x 40cm

Ref: nwbr68-border - £7.00

96.jpg (563326 bytes) Boland v British Lions

Match report

 1968     size - 22.5cm x 32cm

Ref: nwbr68-boland - £7.00

95.jpg (482872 bytes) Eastern Province v British Lions

Match report from J. B. G Thomas

 1968     size - 13cm x 29.5cm

Ref: nwbr68.eapv - £7.00

82.jpg (235541 bytes)

Griquas v British Lions

Match report from Dick Beaumont

    size - 25cm x 36cm

Ref: nwbr68-griquas - £7.00

93.jpg (646276 bytes) Natal v British Lions

Match report from Dick Beaumont and match report from Cliff Morgan

1 Jun
Duban 5-17 size - 9cm x 30cm, 9.5cm x 26cm

Ref: nwbr68-natal - £7.00

92.jpg (293095 bytes) North-Eastern Cape v British Lions

Match report from J. B. G. Thomas

    size - 9cm x 24.5cm

Ref: nwbr68.noea-cape - £7.00

91.jpg (486246 bytes) North-Western Cape v British Lions

Match report from J. B. G. Thomas

    size - 23cm x 35cm

Ref: nwbr68.nowe-cape - £7.00

90.jpg (837882 bytes) Northern Transvaal v British Lions

Match report from J. B. G. Thomas

3 Jul
Pretoria 19-22 size - 28cm x 47cm

Ref: nwbr68.no-tvl - £7.00

89.jpg (199815 bytes) Orange Free State v British Lions

Match report from Dick Beaumont

1968     size - 5cm x 24.5cm

Ref: nwbr68-ofs - £7.00

88.jpg (570702 bytes) Rhodesia v British Lions

Match report from J. B. G. Thomas

3 Jun 1968 Salisbury 6-32 size - 18cm x 37cm

Ref: nwbr68-rhodesia - £8.00

87.jpg (556483 bytes) South Western Districts v British Lions

2 Match reports, one from Dick Beaumont

25 May 1968 Mossel Bay   size - 9.5cm x 30cm, 5cm x 21cm

Ref: nwbr68.sswe-districts - £7.00

81.jpg (1073514 bytes) Transvaal v British Lions

Match Report

18 Jun
Jo'burg 6-14 size - 26.5cm x 32cm

Ref: nwbr68-tvl - £7.00 

80.jpg (483048 bytes) Western Province v British Lions

Match Report from J. B. G. Thomas

22 May 1968 Cape Town 6-10 size - 14cm x 24cm

Ref: nwbr68.wepv - £7.00

79.jpg (893259 bytes) Western Transvaal v British Lions

Match report by J. B. G. Thomas & another match report

18 May Potchefstroom 12-20 size - 19cm x 37cm, 4.5cm x 24.5cm

Ref: nwbr68.we-tvl - £7.00

78.jpg (858125 bytes) South Africa v British Lions

4th Test

Match report

27 Jul
Jo'burg 13-13 size - 37cm x 19cm

Ref: nwbr74sa4 - £12.00

77.jpg (1745328 bytes)

Eastern Transvaal v British Lions

2 Match reports

23 Jul
Springs 10-33 size - 30cm x 23cm, 25cm x 23cm

Ref: nwbr74.ea-tvl-gp2 - £8.00

67.jpg (108226 bytes) Western Province v British Lions

2 Match reports

1 Jun
Cape Town 8-17 size - 38cm x 51cm, 4cm x 20.5cm

Ref: nwbr74.wepv - £5.00

76.jpg (938520 bytes) Australia v British Lions

1st Test

Match report - The Mail on Sunday

1 Jul 1989  Sydney 30-12

size - 29cm x 30cm

Ref: nwbr89as1 - £5.00

75.jpg (824707 bytes) Australia v British Lions

2nd Test

Match report by Brian Madley

8 Jul 1989  Brisbane 12-19

size - 28cm x 25cm

Ref: nwbr89as2 - £9.00

74.jpg (827118 bytes) Australia v British Lions

3rd Test

Match report

15 Jul 1989   Sydney 18-19

size - 29cm x 29cm

Ref: nwbr89as3 - £9.00

73.jpg (546679 bytes) ACT  v British Lions

(Canberra Kookaburras)

Match report by Tony Bodley

4 Jul 1989 Queanbeyan 25-41 size - 24cm x 17cm

Ref: nwbr89-act - £4.00

72.jpg (594401 bytes) ANZAC XV v British Lions

Match report by Tony Bodley

23 Jul 1989  Brisbane 15-19

size - 17cm x 27cm

Ref: nwbr89-anz - £5.00

71.jpg (277841 bytes) Australia B v British Lions

Match report from Tony Bodley

14 Jun 1989 Melbourne 23-18 size - 16cm x 12.5cm

Ref: nwbr89as-b - £4.00

70.jpg (137769 bytes) NSW Country v British Lions

Match report from Tony Bodley

19 Jul 1989 Newcastle 13-72 size - 8cm x 11cm

Ref: nwbr89-nsw.ctry - £4.00

69.jpg (500829 bytes) Queensland v British Lions

Match report from Brian Madley

17 Jun 1989 Brisbane 15-19 size - 18cm x 18cm

Ref: nwbr89-qld - £4.00

68.jpg (365324 bytes)

Western Australia v British Lions

Match report by Terry Cooper

10 Jun 1989 Perth 0-44 size - 9cm x 30cm

Ref: nwbr89.weas - £4.00

64.jpg (793893 bytes) Barbarians v Australia

Match report

22 Feb 1958 Cardiff 11-6 size - 19cm x 25cm

Ref: nwbbinas58 - £4.00


54.jpg (179943 bytes) Barbarians v Australia

Match report by John Billot

26 Nov 1988 Cardiff 22-40 size - 37cm x 60cm

Ref: nwbbinas88 - £2.00


53.jpg (219816 bytes) Barbarians v New Zealand

Match reports

27 Jan 1973 Cardiff 23-11 size - 39cm x 42cm, 8cm x 40cm, 38cm x 52cm

Ref: nwbbnz73 - £15.00

52.jpg (163435 bytes) Barbarians v New Zealand

Match reports

30 Nov 1974 Twickenham 13-13 size - 32cm x 35cm, 6cm x 48cm

Ref: prbbinnz74 - £2.00


63.jpg (552564 bytes) Newport v Barbarians

Match report

28 Mar 1967 Newport 15-6 size - 13cm x 30cm

Ref: nwbbtd.wacb-np67 - £3.00


62.jpg (622926 bytes) Newport v Barbarians

Match report

8 Apr 1969 Newport 3-16 size - 24cm x 35cm

Ref: nwbbtd.wacb-np69 - £2.00


61.jpg (370664 bytes) London v Australia

Match report - The Times

1 Nov 1947 Twickenham 8-20 size - 8cm x 32cm

 Ref: nwtras.19471101-london - £5.00

60.jpg (567941 bytes) Combined Services v Australia

Match report - The Times

26 Dec 1957 Twickenham 16-11 size - 12cm x 27cm

Ref: prtras57cosv - £3.00

59.jpg (310705 bytes) London v New Zealand

Match report - The Times

 1945     size - 6cm x 30cm

Ref: nwtrnz45-london - £7.00

58.jpg (515353 bytes) Combined Services v New Zealand

Match report

26 Dec 1953  Twickenham 8-40 size - 8cm x 49cm

Ref: nwtrnz53cosv - £4.00

57.jpg (392048 bytes) Combined Services v South Africa

Match report - The Times

 1951      size - 8cm x 37cm

Ref: nwtrsa51cosv - £4.00

56.jpg (473983 bytes) Munster v Australia 

Match report - Mail on Sunday

17 Nov 1984   19-31 size - 24cm x 15cm

Ref: nwtras84-munster - £6.00


20.jpg (294887 bytes)


A post match report of Cardiff's 8-3 defeat of the All Blacks.

Ref: PL64-nwtr1953-cdf - £5.00


26.jpg (1015953 bytes)

Lions team chosen for the 1974 tour to South Africa, by John Reason. size - 15cm x 42cm

Ref: nwmi01- £5.00

25.jpg (743439 bytes)

“Torment of a Lion,” Finlay Calder is nearly sent off during NSW v Lions match 1989, by Tony Bodley. size 30cm x 19cm

Ref: nwmi02 - £2.00

24.jpg (593548 bytes)

Gerald Davies set to equal the world rugby record of 44 caps, by Peter Jackson Daily Mail 24/2/78, size 22.5cm x 22.5cm

Ref: nwmi03 - £2.00

23.jpg (459051 bytes)

“Why Gareth (Edwards) the Great really quit”, by Terry O’Connor and Peter Jackson Daily Mail 11/9/78 size - 15cm x 21cm

Ref: nwmi04 - £2.00

22.jpg (983342 bytes)

Gareth Edwards wins his 50th consecutive cap as Wale’s scrum half next week, Sunday Times 29/1/78 size - 29cm x 23.5cm

Ref: nwmi05 - £2.00

21.jpg (496456 bytes)

Charlie Faulkner is not set to retire yet, by Peter Jackson size - 23cm x 18cn

Ref: nwmi06 - £1.00

20.jpg (567612 bytes)

Stan Hodgson (Lions) goes home from the South Africa Tour injured size - 15cm x 39cm

Ref: nwmi07 - £3.00

19.jpg (690985 bytes)

Ken Jones, Rees Stephens, Rex Willis and Cliff Morgan (Wales) retire, by JBG Thomas. size - 14cm x 31.5cm

Ref: nwmi08 - £4.00

18.jpg (423097 bytes)

Bobby Windsor may miss the Wales v England match due to burns suffered from the lime markings on the Pontypool pitch, by Peter Jackson size - 25cm x 15cm

Ref: nwmi09 - £1.00

15.jpg (339414 bytes)

“Now thanks for the Memory, ” a look back at rugby, by Alun Richards size 38cm x 60cm

Ref: nwmi10 - £1.00

17.jpg (381431 bytes)

Violence during NSW ‘B’ v Lions 1989 match, by Tony Bodley size 19cm x 19cm

Ref: nwmi11 - £2.00

16.jpg (757398 bytes)

Eighth Grand Slam for Wales (1978) – Souvenir photograph of the team 38cm x 17cm

Ref: nwmi12 - £2.00




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